Statistics illustrate that 42% of college grads with debt live paycheck to paycheck. 85% of graduates are forced to move back home. Recent trends have showed community college enrollment rates increase as a result of rising tuition rates with public universities. The following list of college campaign slogans will help to foster growing environments among students and an ability to help one another. These slogans are from current Universities and previous campaigns.
A foundation for life.
A person that cares.
Advancing Knowledge. Transforming Lives.
An education of mind and heart.
Bank on me. Will treasure your vote.
Be the change.
Bringing back hope.
Building a Road to Tomorrow.
Called to Greatness.
Champion of the people.
Change for the better.
Connect life and learning.
Courage to act.
Decisions you can trust.
Deep learning. Growing faith. Real life.
Dependable Leadership.
Discover the Possibilities.
Don’t be a loser, be a chooser.
Dream big.
Education for service.
Everyone is someone.
Excellence personified.
Experienced Leadership.
Faster, Better, Stronger.
Forward. Thinking.
Fostering the people.
Friends to all.
Full of good ideas.
Getting results.
Getting things done.
Gifted Leader.
Giving you the choice.
Going Farther.
Good Choice.
Grasp the forces driving the change.
Great ideas.
Growing. Serving.
Heading in the right direction.
Help me Fight.
Here to Serve you.
Honesty is my middle name.
I can do it, you can help.
I win, you win.
I’ve got your back.
Ideas to spare.
Imagine something better,
Infinite possibilities.
Inspiring Innovation and Discovery.
Inspiring Minds.
Investing in Knowledge.
Its time for a change.
Justice for all.
Keep moving forward.
Keep on Keeping on.
Keeping it real.
Keeping your ideas in mind.
Knowledge to Go Places.
Making the world a better place.
Minds in the making.
New leader. New vision. New direction.
Open Minds. Creating Futures.
Our destiny awaits.
Pay it forward.
Peace through strength.
Purpose driven leadership.
Qualities of Greatness.
Reach within. Shape the future.
Ready to Lead.
Safety First.
Secure your future.
Seeing the big picture.
Service with a Smile.
Stranger to no one.
Strike Gold.
Take the plunge.
The character of success.
The dream lives on.
The One Choice.
The people rule.
The power of ideas.
The road to victory.
Think locally.
Time for change.
Together we win.
Trusted by everyone.
Try it. You might like it.
Uncommon Leadership.
Unspeakable greatness
Very good leadership.
Vote for tomorrow.
We dare to dream.
When put to the test, I will be the best.
Where science is leading.
Why not?
Wisdom. Applied.
You deserve better.
Your Choice.
Your College. Your Future.
Your Education, Your Life, Your School, Our Time Is Now.
Your future awaits.
Your revolution starts here.
Over half of parents are concerned with the debt and rising costs of college tuition students are forced to pay. The below infographic outlines interest stats and trends with higher education.
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