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Myers Briggs Type Indicator and Social Media



The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is the most dominant personality device to improve leadership abilities, boost team efficiency and improve communication.

The MBTI behavior inventory is based on the principle of Jung. He is one of the finest psychiatrists of all time and the creator of Analytical Psychology. With more than 70 years of researches, the MBTI is the best researched and most extensively utilized personality device.

People are born with specific natural predispositions that don’t change all through their lives. MBTI copied from this sixteen personality forms with natural powers, blind spots and weaknesses. Once you understand yourself and how you are different from people surrounding you specifically, you have a toolset at hand to enhance your personal and professional lives. Classic MBTI applications are in the field of growth and self development, leadership and management capabilities, communication, team effectiveness and appreciation of diversity.

4 Component Types

According to this application, there are 4 pairs of conflicting preferences:

1. Extraversion
Those who choose extraversion concentrate their awareness on the outer world of stuffs, events and people around them. Frequently, they are perceived as verbally skilled, friendly and easy to deal with. They also derive power from being with other individuals. Normally, they do their assessment as they talk.

Those with a partiality for introversion concentrate their attention and energy on the inner world of reflections, thoughts and beliefs. Normally, they are perceived and quite reserved and difficult to know. They restore their batteries once being their own. Typically, they take time to collect their thoughts prior to talking.

2. Sensing and Intuition
Sensing refers to letting in detail mainly with the 5 senses: tasting, touching, smelling, seeing and hearing. Those with an option for sensing concentrate on details and fact. They would like to know the parts first to know the overall style. Sensing individuals are frequently realistic and practical.

Intuition is all about the huge picture, the sense and connection behind the first information. Those with an option for intuition enjoy ideas and thoughts and could be relatively abstract. Normally, they look at the whole style first to know then how the solitary parts add to the whole.

3. Thinking and Feeling
Thinking folk make their options based on idea impersonal logic and are frequently good at assessing and addressing concerns rationally. They give emphasis on jobs instead on relationships. As a result, they might seem detached to those with a fondness for feeling.

Feeling individuals base their option largely on the value system. They concentrate on the impact their options have on other persons and their feelings.

4. Judging and Perceiving
Those preferring judging want to have the external world orderly and organized. These people tend to make strategy and stick to them. They are very decisive and like to have tasks done. They may seem inflexible to other kinds and rigid at times.

People preferring perceiving like to travel the world rather than organize it. They are flexible and spontaneous. They choose to gather detail and leave other things open. This might come across as irresponsible and disorganized to judging people.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.