AA, which stands for alcoholics anonymous, is a program for recovering alcoholics to gain support, education, and help to stop their addiction to alcohol. It is a widely used program and has helped change the lives of thousands of people. Inspiration and motivation are two key elements to the success of AA programs. The use of slogans is very common because they give someone a catchy and easy to remember phrase to use whenever they need a dose of help. Here are some great and inspiring AA slogans to get you inspired today!
90 Meetings In 90 Days.
AA. Absolutely Abstain.
Clean and Sober.
Don’t Quite 5 Minutes Before The Miracle Happens.
Easy Does It, But Do It!
Expect Miracles.
First Things First.
Guide Me In Recovery.
I Came. I Came To. I Came To Believe.
If You Always Do What You’ve Always Done, You’ll Always Get What Youve Always Got.
It Works If You Work It.
It Works! It Really Does.
Keep An Open Mind.
Keeping Coming.
Let Go And Let God.
Life Is Waiting
Live Easy. But Think First.
Live In The NOW.
Live Life Not Lies.
More Will Be Revealed.
No Pain No Gain.
One Day At A Time.
One Day At A Time.
Save Your Soul.
Sobriety Is A Journey, Not A Destination.
Stick With The Winners.
Think. Think. Think.
This Is The Way.
This Too Shall Pass.
Trust Yourself
Turn It Over.
We Are Only As Sick As Our Secrets.
Willingness Is The Key!
Wonderful Things Happen.
You Can Do This.
You Will Be Amazed.
This wonderful video is a testimony of the success that AA can help to bring recovering alcohol addicts. Alcohol addiction is devastating for entire families, and this wonderful program is helping to solve the problem.
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here. Brandon is currently the CEO of Aided.