Depending on the individual patients health issues and related diabetic type, different treatments may be used from pills to insulin, or a combination of both. In 2011, approximately, 83.7% of men and 78.3% of women were treated with diabetes. Some causes are smoking, overweight, physical inactivity, hypertension, and high blood cholesterol. To raise continued awareness to the ill effects of this disease, the following diabetes slogans have become popularized over time. These are meant to encourage your own local campaign to raise awareness.
A spoon full of insulin helps the sugar go down.
A world free of diabetes is not our dream, it’s our pledge.
All diabetics are not textbook cases.
Be nice to diabetics, we deal with enough pricks already.
be well, know your BGL.
Blood sugar – the world’s greatest scapegoat.
Dealing with multiple pricks daily.
Diabetes is caused by melancholy.
diabetes the silent killer which kills part by part of our life.
Diabetes. It’s only a word. Not a sentence.
Diabetes: Don’t sugar coat it.
Diabetics are naturally sweet.
Duck the highs, duck the lows, duck the diabetes.
Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.
Finger Prickin’ Good.
Got Insulin?
Happiness lies, first of all, in health.
Help cure Diabetes; I’m tired of dealing with pricks.
Heredity is nothing but stored environment.
I am a walking science experiment.
I am waiting for Apple to come out with the iPump.
I have diabetes. What’s your excuse?
I may look sweet but I have a needle.
i shoot up when i get high.
I wear Grey for someone who means the world to me.
I’m not ill, my pancreas is just lazy.
I’ve got a needle, and I’m not afraid to use it.
If it looks tasty I can’t eat it.
I’m not ill, my pancreas is just lazy.
Insulin is not a cure – it’s life support.
Just a shotful of insulin helps the sugar go down, sugar go down, sugar go down.
Life is not over because you have diabetes.
Manging your diabetes is not a science. It is an art.
My pancreas is on strike.
My pancreas runs on AAA batteries.
Never underestimate the power of a diabetic.
One day I would love to say I HAD diabetes.
Please don’t sugarcoat it, I’m a diabetic.
Someone I love needs a cure.
Sugar, sugar you give me a rush!
sugar? nah Im sweet enough.
Together we can stop diabetes.
Tomorrow’s prevention, today.
We don’t know how strong we are until being strong is the only choice.
What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.
What’s your type?
Who’s your sugar daddy?
Who’s your Sugarmomma?
Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body.
You are so sweet, I just went into diabetic shock.
Diabetes takes over the lives of 13 million men and 12.6 million women on average. Over 60% of lower limb amputation occurs in diabetes patients. This disease is also the leading cause of kidney failure. Additional interest facts and statistics regarding diabetes can be found in the below infographic.
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here. Brandon is currently the CEO of Aided.