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150 Clever Catchy Slogans On Pollution

Pollution is a problem that is effecting the entire world. From the water that we drink, to the air that we breathe, major steps need to be taken in order to prevent any further damage to our fragile environment. People are realizing this and have begun to rally all over the world to educate and help stop this pollution. Many of them use posters of protests with chants to get their message across, good slogans or sayings will help to drive the message home. Here are some great examples.

The Earth: love it or leave it.
A clean Earth needs everyone’s help, and especially yours.
Air – It Is A Matter Of Life And Death.
Air pollution does not need visa to travel across the borders.
All types of pollution are equally harmful.
Be a part of solution but not pollution.
Be A Part Of The Pollution Solution.
Be A Part Of The Solution Not Part Of The Pollution.
Be a surveyor for the Ozone layer.
Be green! Keep our planet clean!
Be smart. Don’t fart.
Be The Solution To Air Pollution.
Be the solution to run off the pollution.
Be Wise, Let The Greenery Rise!
Breathe Easy.
Breathing Easy Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult.
Bring Earth back to life.
Can You Swim In A Sea Of Plastic?
Centuries to Form, Only Seconds to Use.
Cheap and Easy Fuel Makes You Look Like a Fool.
Clear Skies, Clean Minds.
Clear skies, clear conscience!
Conserve What Our Children Deserve.
Ditch the Past – Move Forward With Renewables.
Do Your Share For Cleaner Air.
Don`t Dump it, Donate it.
Don’t Be Mean – Keep It Clean.
Don’t be mean, keep environment clean.
Don’t Let Our Future Go Up In Smoke.
Don’t Trash Our Future.
Don’t be man, keep it clean.
Don’t let your future go up in smoke.
Eradicate pollution, save environment.
Everything We Do, Always Comes Back To Us.
Feed the Planet and It Will Nourish You.
Find a solution else our future will become an ILLUSION.
Forget Fossil Fuels Forever.
Forward for a Fossil-Free Future.
Fossil Fuels – Leaving Lifelong Impressions on the Earth.
Fossil Fuels? Fossil Fools!
Get the Hint, Don’t Leave Your Footprint.
Give a big hoot to those who pollute.
Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute.
Go Green To Keep It Clean.
Go Green. Breath Clean.
Grow grass and trees.
Hate pollution, love humanity.
I dare you to care for this earth!
It is the pollution, making the nature dead.
It’s Time To Clear The Air.
Join the Green Revolution and stop pollution!
Join The Revolution And Stop The Pollution.
Keep Calm and Stop Pollution.
Keep under your foot the trust of those who pollute.
Keep your kids away from polluters.
Kick the Fossil Fuel Habit.
Lend A Hand To Save Trees.
Less Pollution Is The Best Solution.
Let It Be Wild, Not Defiled.
Let’S Move Towards Green To Keep The Planet Clean.
Look around, walk around, breathe clean air and don’t litter the ground.
Nature Is For Everyone’s Need And Not For Everyone’s Greed.
No Future in Limited Resources.
Not up in smoke up with hope.
On The Road To Cleaner Air.
Only Rain Down The Drain.
Pass on Gas.
Plant A Tree And Get Air For Free.
Polluter is enemy of nature.
Polluter is our common enemy.
Polluter should not be respected by communities.
Polluting is cognizable offence by law.
Polluting is criminal offence.
Polluting means killing the environment.
Pollution Ain’t Cool, So Don’t Be A Fool.
Pollution are slow poison, act slowly but lethally.
Pollution destroys human population.
Pollution does not help plant evolution.
Pollution- If You Don’t Kill It, It Will Kill You.
Pollution is a ladder of destruction of nature.
Pollution is for Polluters.
Pollution is lethal.
Pollution, pollution, get a solution.
Pollution, the silent killer.
Pollution: If you don’t kill it, it’ll kill you.
Pollution: it gets me all coughed up.
Prevent pollution, protect nature.
Procrastination Won’t Help the Next Generation.
Recycle wastes and reduce pollution.
Reduce air pollution & increase your life span.
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Remember, Kids Breathe Here.
Resources Aren’t Free, They Charge All a Fee.
Ride The Recycling Cycle.
Save it, Switch it off.
Save the Earth, Save Ourselves.
Save the Earth, Save Yourself.
Save the oak, don’t choke on smoke.
Save the Trees, Save You and Me.
Save your breath.
Search for solution but not for pollution.
Shield the Earth and shield yourself from air pollution.
Show Its Worth, Save the Earth.
Show You Care About The Air.
Slippery Oil Makes Humanity Spoil.
Smoke from cars is like cigarettes to the Earth.
Solution of pollution lies in dilution.
Stop factories and industries, gain more rain.
Stop polluting and start living healthy.
Stop pollution before it stop our breathe.
Stop pollution by mitigation.
Stop pollution gain more fresh air.
Stop pollution or get ready for your elimination.
Stop pollution, plant more trees.
Stop The Pollution Of The Air. Walk Or Cycle Because We Care!
Stop The Pollution Quick, You’re Making The Air Sick.
Stow it, don’t throw it.
Take a deep breath, don’t choke.
Take Care Of The Trees, They Will Take Care Of You.
Talking about pollution, nobody’s holy. They who pollute, sinned against nature.
The more pollution in the sky, the more nature dies.
The Simple Life Causes Less Strife.
The Solution Is Less Pollution.
The value of life will suffer a dilution if you do not fight air pollution.
There’s No Such Thing as Peak Sun.
They’re Not Alright, They Are Finite.
Think about future generations and reduce pollution.
Think Blue and Go Green.
Think Globally. Act Locally.
This Is A Clean Air Zone.
Those who create soot actually pollute.
Together We Can Save The Planet.
Treat the Earth With Heart So the World Doesn’t Fall Apart.
Turn Off Your Engine. We’re Breathing Your Pollution.
Unite against all polluters.
Use your brain, don’t clog that drain!
Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.
Water bodies are not dustbin, don’t load them with garbage.
Water Is Life, Don’t Pollute It.
Water: Conserve It!
We Don’t Make the World Go Round, But Humans Could Break It Down.
We Love Clean Air.
When They Don’t Renew, Neither Can You.
When They Run Out, You’ll Be Without.
Whoever pollutes is our common enemy.
Wipe Out Pollution Before It Wipes You Out.
YOU are the key to cleaner Air.
You Can Never Pass Greenhouse Gas.
You can’t feel the pollution unless you hate it.

This powerful video documents a very moving protest that was held outside of a major oil and fuel provider’s headquarters. Things like this are the only way to show to the big businesses that we will no longer tolerate the destruction of our planet.

Here's the big list of business name ideas that covers over 150 of the most popular industries, and here is a directory of all of my slogans.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here. Brandon is currently the CEO of Aided.