Hashtag Etiquette For Twitter And More
In case you are unaware, a hashtag is the hash symbol followed by keywords that are linked to a dynamic feed within different social networks. With hashtags popping up on so many different websites, you could use a little hashtag etiquette for Twitter and more.
You can find hashtags on Twitter, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Vine and more. Facebook also now supports hashtags. With hashtags becoming more and more a part of daily life, it seems prudent to understand their purpose and the social etiquette involved with them. Here are some rules:
1. Never string too many words together. While multiple words can be together (without spaces), they should always be kept short and sweet. The first letter of every word should be capitalized so it is easier to read.
2. Do not overtagg. Just like too many words should not be together, every word does not need to be tagged either. This makes your post seem cluttered and will most likely drive people away.
3. Consider your topic. Make sure your post has something to do with the topic. Do not include trendy hashtags just to draw attention to your brand. This is always a no no.
4. Do not overuse descriptive synonym tags at the end of your post. For example, #my2cents #idea #thought. Remember that when you add a hashtag, it makes the keyword after it into a link. Your hashtags will seem messy and unnecessary if there is not a good reason for it.
Connect With Your Audience
Did you know that 2.5 billion Facebook posts, 400 million Tweets and 45 million Instagram posts are generated every day? With so much info out there, it is important to make your posts easily searchable with hashtags. This helps you reach your audience and helps your message stand out in these ways:
1. Host a chat and create your own discussion. The #ChatName should be short in order for people to easily include it in their posts. This way they can also view the entire conversation in real time by clicking the #ChatName.
2. Join a conversation as it is happening. This will increase your exposure if you are posting about a topic that is trending. Make sure you research the trend a bit to be sure you know what you are talking about.
3. Align yourself with your both your products and your industry. Hashtags help you do this because you can search social networks for a #keyword to see what people are saying about it. Using the #keyword in your ad or post will in turn increase your exposure.
4. Promote your events with hashtags. Hashtags can really work wonders when it comes to marketing your events. You can promote your event in real time this way, not to mention crowd sourcing your photos.
1. Inject some humor. The keyword there is some. You can use hashtags as punchlines at times. However, be aware that doing it too much can be overwhelming.
2. Use proper spelling. Transposing even just one letter will totally mess up your hashtag.
3. Remember your manners. Always use hashtag etiquette for Twitter and more!
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here. Brandon is currently the CEO of Aided.