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Turning a Good Home Page Design into a Great Home Page Design

Turning a Good Home Page Design into a Great Home Page Design

Fortune 500 Web Design

Optimizing your webpage is a difficult yet rewarding task. It can be very difficult to get your website designed just right to yield optimal conversion rates and get customers to buy your products and endorse your ideas. You can learn a lot about exceptional web design from Fortune 500 companies. These companies have refined web design down to a science and nearly have a template to go by for your own website.

There 12 important elements typically included in a Fortune 500 company website:

1. Width of the page
2. Logo placement
3. Catchy Tagline
4. Light-colored Background
5. Search Box
6. Clearly Visible Call to Action
7. Personable Blog Posts
8. Contact Information
9. No Newsletter
10. Social Media
11. Centered Navigation
12. High-quality images

These 12 elements interact to produce a fine-tuned, peak-performance website. You can emulate the cream of the crop by incorporating these important elements into your own webpage.


The average width of these websites is 877 pixels. This width is important because it optimizes switching between different interfaces. 877 pixels works well for desktops, laptops and mobile phones and tablets. Many customers now buy products directly from their smart phone, so you want to make sure that your website works with their phone interface. If it doesn’t, you could be losing a large percentage of valuable customers.


Logo placement is another especially important element. Most Fortune 500 companies put their logo in the top left corner of their website. They do this for a good reason; most customers are familiar with this logo placement. Customer familiarity with logo placement means that putting it anywhere else will confuse your page viewer. A confused customer is much more likely to move on to a different site that fits the norms that they are used to.

Slogan and Tagline

A catchy tagline or slogan draws your customer’s eye and piques his or her interest in your product. Use your company tagline to convey what your company is all about in three words or less. You get bonus points if your slogan is funny or witty.


Featuring a light-colored background makes your text easier to read and easier on your customer’s eyes. Dark backgrounds are jarring and may make your text more difficult to see. It is imperative that your customers can read your content with little effort, so make it easier on them with a light-colored background.
Featuring a search box makes your website infinitely easier to navigate. If your customer is looking for something specific, they don’t want to dig through your entire website to find it. Having a handy search box available and easy to see helps the customer find what they are looking for.

Call to Action

A clearly visible Call to Action (CTA) button such as “Buy Now” or “Learn More Here” to immediately experience results from your website. The most successful CTAs are eye-catching enough that customers see them within 3 seconds or less. Make your CTA bold, concise and obviously clickable. Use a contrasting color from your content to make your CTA stand out from the page.


Personable blog posts featured on your front page can add personality to your company. These posts tell your customers more about your and put a face to your company name. This is important because people like buying products from other people, not just faceless corporations. Give your customer someone to relate to with witty well-written blog posts they can see on your front page.


Most Fortune 500 companies feature contact information, but they do so in a pretty unnoticeable way. Their content information is usually only accessible at the very bottom of the page. This seems counterintuitive, but it may be the way to go. Most Fortune 500 companies also do not include a newsletter subscription button. Perhaps this is because so many newsletters get marked as spam and are never read by readers.

Social Media

Social media is an important aspect of today’s market. You want to provide your customers with an easy way to share information about your products and company.


Centered-navigation makes it easy for your customers to find their way around your website. High quality images also instantly make your webpage look more professional, modern and high-end.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.