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Top 10 Best Fonts for Logos and Websites

Top 10 Best Fonts for Logos and Websites

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Top Ten (10) Fonts Preferred By Web Designers

This research was performed by 34 web designers with the goal of determining the fonts most appealing to designers. The research team comprised 31 Males, 3 Females form 14 countries spread across five continents. They include both free and premium fonts.

Here are the Top 10 Most Loved Fonts

1. Helvetica
2. Arial
3. Georgia
4. Gotham
5. Myriad Pro
6. DIN
7. Futura
8. League Gothic
9. Cabin
10. Corbel

Best Fonts to Choose From

1. Museo Slab
2. Maven Gotham
3. Ostrich
4. Plastic DHI
5. PT Serif
6. Déjà vu Serif
7. Alte Din 1451 Mittelschrift
8. Yanone Kaffeesatz
9. Comic
10. Cambria
11. Bebas
12. Aller
13. Onyx
14. Ubuntu
15. Myriad Pro
16. DIN
17. Times New Roman
18. Helvetica
19. Futura
20. Copse
21. Maven
22. Cabin
23. Quick sand
24. Lobster
25. Franchise
26. Garamond Pro
27. Engebrechire
28. Dandelion the Spring
29. Arial
30. Apple Berry
31. Trebuchet MS
32. Rockwell
33. Georgia
34. Sports Mill Goudy
35. Marketing Script
36. Verdana
37. Tahoma
38. Maven Gotham
39. Quick sand
40. Chunk Five
41. Maven
42. FF Tusj
43. Corbel
44. Engebrechire
45. Cabin
46. Franklin Gothic
47. Apple berry
48. Impact
49. Ostrich
50. Georgia
51. Kozuka
52. League Gothic
53. Rockwell
54. Maven
55. Mincho
56. PT Serif
57. Sorts
58. Sports Mill Goudy
59. Marketing Script
60. Comic Sans
61. Tahoma
62. Verdana
63. Tahoma Maven
64. Gotham
65. Corbel
66. Cabin

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.