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Reasons to Redesign a Website and Website Redesign Questions

Reasons to Redesign a Website and Website Redesign Questions

Is Your Website Reaching Your Audience?

Are your customers finding and reading your website and coming back for more? Is your website user friendly, easy to navigate and contains fresh and informative content? Try creating a web strategy around your target audience and their needs. What does your target audience want to know about? What are they looking for?


When your customer finds your site, is it easy for them to find what they are looking for? Do you have a search bar at the top that lets them easily browse through your entire site? Feature a site map that clearly defines where everything is in your site. You want your reader to be able to easily find each and every page on your site through appropriate site interlinkage.


Update your content as often as possible. Feature topics that have meaning to your readers; you want to focus on what they want to know about. Conduct surveys and website testing to adequately discern what your audience is looking for. Format your content appropriately for the web in short paragraphs with headings and bullet points.


Is your website visual pleasing? Does it catch your customer’s eye and draw them into your site? Does your website look professional? Implement visual elements that incorporate the goals and values of your website. Use bright colors and bold simple designs to really stand out as modern and chic. If you are having trouble designing your site, hire a web designer to really put all these visual elements together for maximum conversion rates.


Last but not least, employ Google Analytics to see how your website is doing. Monitor your analytics closely to tweak and improve your website. Employ SEO techniques such as choice keywords. Change weak areas of your site. Take advantage of the Google Webmaster tools to really optimize your site. If you don’t understand how to use the Webmaster Tools, don’t be afraid to ask questions and get help from tech support when you need it.

Use these elements to build up your website around your target audience and web goals. Draw in your readers with fresh engaging content, a user friendly layout, a uniform style and visually alluring design. Keep your reader interested by updating your website’s content on a daily basis. Monitor your Google Analytics to see how you are doing. Change what you need to improve site performance with Google Webmaster tools. Hire appropriate web developers or designers if you need more help improving your site.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.