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Psychological Effects of Color


How to Harness the Power of Color Psychology

Are you interested in learning more about art and design? One interesting aspect of these fields is the power of color and how it can conjure different feelings in people. This is particularly important information for graphic design, advertising, website development, or anyone looking to refine their marketing scheme and image. Read on to learn more about the psychology behind color and how you can use it to your advantage.

Different Meanings of Colors

Colors have different meanings and can achieve different effects. These different effects can be very useful in a variety of ways, whether you want to decorate your creative space or put together your website.

Color wavelength is said to have an impact on your mind. For example, red has the longest wavelength and is therefore considered more powerful and bold. This is one reason why so many professional athletic teams use red as their color. It could also be why it is associated with patriotism, and by extension power, in the United States. It also appears on many countries’ flags around the world.

By contrast, blue is considered an intellectual color. However, it is also considered a “cool” color, which may not be so great if you want to create an energetic mood. For that, perhaps you would do better to use a “warm” color, like yellow or orange.

In addition, colors mean different things in different cultures. For example, in the United States, red is associated with patriotism while green is associated with inexperience. Meanwhile, those same colors are associated with completely different things, danger and environmental sustainability, respectively. And in Latin America, green is associated with death! Before you put together a color scheme, make sure you understand the colors’ meanings to the audience you will be targeting.

How to Use Color

With that in mind, now we can think about how to use color to suit your creative needs. For starters, you want a few colors to make a statement without being overpowering. Color should be subtle, coaxing your audience into thinking a certain way, rather than being too bold and in-your-face.

However, you should choose colors according to your own taste and style. Don’t be afraid to play with different combinations or try color accents to see what comes out. At the end of the day, what matters is that you’ve created something that you can be proud of!

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Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.