Time and money are two valuable resources that you never seem to have enough of. These great save time and money slogans will inspire you to take control of your life and make the right choices for yourself.
A fool and his money, will soon be parted.
A nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore.
A penny more than you need is happiness, a penny less is misery.
A rich man is nothing but a poor man with money.
After you have bought everything what can money bring?
Anyone can save money.
Being broke is no joke.
Being in control of your money provides freedom.
Best way to save money. Don’t spend it.
Come to life, come to save money.
Do me a favor and be a money saver.
He who has the gold makes the rules.
I am but a penniless millionaire.
I started out with nothing and have most of it left.
I’m having an out of money experience.
If you count your pennies, your dollars will take care of themselves.
It takes money to make money.
Lending money causes amnesia.
Lets think of saving money.
Make habit of saving money.
Money can’t buy happiness.
Money does everything.
Money does not buy happiness but, it sure pays off stress.
Money is just a tool that gives us choice.
Money saver is a winner.
my expenses isn’t hard to meet, they’re everywhere.
My mother told me to save money.
My Reality Check got bounced.
People in need deserve better days.
Put your money where your mouth is.
Save money and money will save you.
Save money for your kids.
Save money to buy future.
Save money to buy your own house.
Save money, become financially independent.
Save money, don’t you want to live a more enjoyable life?
Save your money for your honey.
Saving money is good for you.
Saving money makes lots of cents.
Saving money, the smart choice.
Saving money, the wise choice.
Say yes to saving money.
Scared money don’t make money.
Some people, without a doubt, have more dollars than sense.
The best things in life are free.
The more money you get, the more you need.
To be poor is not a problem but to remain poor is.
What will you do with all the money you save?
When money speaks, the truth remains silent.
Winning the lottery is my new business plan.
You can be rich in many ways besides money.
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