Participating in your class elections can provide you with the opportunity to serve on the student council and make a positive difference. These running for school secretary slogans are some perfect examples to the types of way you can encourage support from your fellow classmates.
_____ . Born to lead.
_____ for reform. ____ for action.
_____ stands for Excellence.
2,4,6,8 who do we designate?
A person that cares.
A vote for _____ is a vote for the better.
Be a pal, vote for this gal.
Bringing back hope.
Building a Road to Tomorrow.
Called to Greatness.
Catalyst for change.
Champion of the people.
Change for the better.
Choose a leader for a change.
Coming Soon to a class room near you.
Counselor pick classes, Parents pick rules, Thank goodness we pick the secretary of this school.
Dependable Leadership.
Discover the Possibilities.
Don’t be a loser, be a chooser.
Don’t try and beat the heat vote for me and it’ll be a real treat.
Everyone says, _____ for Post.
Experienced Leadership.
For success, choose the best. Vote____.
I don’t hear the voices I AM the voice. Vote for ____.
I Don’t want all the Votes just yours…Vote for _____
I may not be the best looking guy in here but I’m the only one talking to you. So vote for ____.
I’m not asking you to vote for me I am just asking you to check the box next to my name, vote _____.
I’m very clever, but not scary, vote for me for Secretary!
If you want a secretary that is the best, vote for me to sort out the mess.
I’m the best, vote me for Secretary.
Just do it. Vote for _____.
Let me serve you. Vote _____ .
Life is to short to make a mess, vote (name) for the best.
Making the world better since [birth year]. _____
Monkey see, monkey do, I’m voting for me and so should you!
Pick a leader who acts, vote _____.
Shes friendly, Shes Merry, She should be your next class Secretary!
Solutions for student council.
The right government at the right time.
The write choice for secretary!
Two, four, six, eight! Vote for _____, don’t be late.
Vote (name) For Secretary, Shes a treat. (Hand out candy or lollipops).
Vote ___________, Shes Write for Secretary.
Vote for _______ for Secretary because life is too short to have bad student government.
Vote for fresh blood on student council: Vote _____.
Vote for her, she’ll get things done the write way!
Vote for the best so you wont be stressed.
We want you! Vote for _____.
World’s best student body president.
You can count on _____.
You should be wary, if you don’t vote for ________ for secretary.
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