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47 Small Business Blogging Tips and Objectives


Write an Effective Blog For Your Business

It’s a simple reason why many blogs end up just dying a death of neglect: there’s no overall strategy for using the blog beyond talking about the business and products being offered. With the right objectives and a little bit of planning, you can use a business blog to establish yourself as an expert within your niche. You’ll be able to answer questions that customers may have about your product before they even realize they had questions! The right strategy can remove barriers from the purchasing process. How do you develop the right strategy?

Utilize All Content Forms

There are three basic types of content that you can use for your blog:

Original Content: This is the content that you sit down and write yourself. It can really be about anything, but this is a good place for you to give specific details about your company’s mission statement, what your values are, and give specifics about the products or services you are offering.

Guest Posts: Writing all original content five times a week for a blog can get to be a bit exhausting, but the demands of readers that want valuable information means that you need to have fresh content anyway. With a guest post, you can:

• begin to create relationships with our businesses who are similar to you;
• begin to establish yourself as an expert in your field because you’re recruiting guest bloggers; and
• reduce the amount of original content that you need to personally create without compromising the level of original content your blog provides.

Repurposed Content: Giving a different perspective on existing content can be refreshing for readers as well. This can give you a break from posting completely original content, plus it gives you a chance to foster mutual links that may allow you future guest blogging spots for other businesses, helping you to spread your influence.

What Makes An Effective Blog Post?

The average person doesn’t want to spend all day reading a blog post. For that reason, many of the most effective blog posts are under 350 words. Blog posts with images get up to double the amount of hits than posts without any, so make sure to include a relevant image with your blog post too. The structure of your content is also important from a visual standpoint. A large block of text can be intimidating. Breaking it up with bullet points can dramatically help how inviting a post may look.

Most Importantly, Encourage Engagement

Despite saying otherwise, people are actually prone to doing what they are told. This is reflective in how people respond when you ask or tell them politely to share the information in your blog post. When you have a call to action that encourages people to share, like, tweet, or repin, they’ll be more likely to actually do it! That makes your efforts at putting in valuable and interesting content worthwhile. The internet doesn’t another dead blog, right? Use these tips today for yourself to see how business blogging could dramatically help you!

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.