Home » Slogans » 41 Catchy Slogans for High Blood Pressure

41 Catchy Slogans for High Blood Pressure

Being heart strong requires taking control of your blood pressure, living, and eating right. These catchy slogan for high blood pressure will remind us to make the right choices for our heart and for our life.

A healthy heart keeps you strong.
Be heart healthy.
Commit to be fit.
Detect – Protect – Correct.
Diet cures more than doctors.
Do what it takes to start, to have a healthy heart.
Eat right and light.
Eat right, live strong.
Eat well, be well.
For good health’s sake, run, jump, and shake.
Fruits & veggies – more matters.
Get pumped up about Heart Health.
Get to the heart of the matter… care about Heart Health.
Give up the fat, watch your belly go flat.
Have a healthy heart, don’t delay or else you might live in dismay.
Healthy eating for a strong heart beating.
Healthy heart, healthy you.
Heart disease let’s defeat, Keep a healthy Heart Beat.
Hustle to gain more muscle.
I wear Red for heart disease and stroke awareness.
Ignore your health, it will go away.
Imagine a world without high blood pressure.
It feels so sweet to have a healthy heart beat.
Just for the health of it!
Keep a healthy heart, so we won’t be apart.
Keep the heart pumping so your mother wont be thumping.
Know your farmer, know your food.
Lets have a Heart to Heart about Heart Disease.
Minimize red meat to keep a healthy heart beat.
Nutrition: It can save your life!
Power your life.
Put a stop to it before it stops you.
Rest a while and run a mile.
Save Your Achy Breakey Heart.
Take care of your heart, don’t let it fall apart.
To feel good from your head to your feet keep a healthy heart beat.
With a healthy heart..the beat goes on.
With strong heart, the longer you run.
Working together for health.
You can’t beat a healthy heart.
You can’t enjoy wealth if you’re not in good health.

Here's the big list of business name ideas that covers over 150 of the most popular industries, and here is a directory of all of my slogans.

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Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.