Saving dollars and cents can add up in a long term savings plan. These great coupon blog names from other existing bloggers help to provide the tools and resources to frugal parents. These are a great source of encouragement for you to start your own blog and share your money saving tips.
3 Boys and a Dog
Adventures of a Couponista
Buck Town Bargains
Cheap Mama Chick
Common Sense with Money
Coupon Mom
Coupon Pro
Couponing With Boys
Couponista Queen
Cuckoo for Coupon Deals
Fabulessly Frugal
Freaky Freddies Free Funhouse
Freebie Shark
Front Page Freebies
Frugal Family Home
Frugal Freebies and Deals
Grocery Coupon Network
Hip 2 Save
I Love Coupon Month
Melissa’s Bargains
Mojo Savings
Mom On Dealz
Money Saving Madness
Money Saving Mom
My Litter
OC Deal Mama
Saving Lifestyle
Shopper’s Haul
Southern Savers
Super Coupon Lady
The Coupon Censtsation
The Coupon Project
The Frugal Girls
The Frugal Navy Wife
The Krazy Coupon Lady
The Thrifty Couple
This Mommy Saves Money
Thrifty Jinxy
Thrifty Wifey
Time 2 Save Workshops
Yes We Coupon
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here. Brandon is currently the CEO of Aided.