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35 Packaging Industry Statistics and Trends

Packaging Industry Statistics and Trends

The packaging industry has been facing new trends in addressing environmental issues and worldwide growth of the industry. The overall global packaging industry is worth $424 billion, growing at an annual rate of 3.5%. This is broken down to the following country market shares.

1. Europe – $127 billion
2. Asia – $114 billion
3. North America – $118 billion
4. Latin America – $30 billion
5. Other Countries – $30 billion

As far global market percentages this is distributed by the following.

1. Europe – 30%
2. North America – 28%
3. Latin America – 7%
4. Asia – 27%
5. Other Nations – 8%

Top Packaging Industry Drivers and Emerging Markets

The following video discusses the top drivers to the packaging industry growth and prospective emerging markets to strategize new growth.

Packaging Industry Materials Share

The packaging industry accounts for the following shares of material.

1. Paper – 36%
2. Metal – 17%
3. Plastic – 34%
4. Glass – 10%
5. Other – 3%

Industry Market Share of Packaging Products

1. Beverages – 18%
2. Food – 38%
3. Pharmaceutical Products – 5%
4. Cosmetic Products – 3%
5. Other Products – 36%

The market value of the above segments are listed below.

1. Food – $161 billion
2. Beverages – $76 billion
3. Pharmaceutical Packaging – $21 billion
4. Cosmetic Packaging – $13.3 billion
5. Other – $153 billion

Top 10 Fastest Growing National Packaging Markets

The following top 10 markets are looked to for having the highest percentage of compounded annual growth rates.

1. Turkey – 19%
2. India – 14%
3. Poland – 11%
4. Philippines – 9%
5. Brazil – 8.5%
6. Indonesia – 8%
7. Taiwan – 7.5%
8. China – 7%
9. Lithuania – 7%
10. Egypt – 7%

Global Packaging Industry Emerging Markets

The consumption of packaging materials has seen a lot of growth. The following infographic outlines the key drivers to increasing the influence and market growth of the packaging industry.

Global Packaging Industry Growth Statistics and Trends

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here. Brandon is currently the CEO of Aided.