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32 Great B2B and B2C Social Media Marketing Tips


B2B vs. B2C – Social Media

A comparison of B2B and B2C marketing on social media.


Is there any need for one? YES

Why? Of all journalist, 46% of them have an account on twitter.

What should I tweet? Issues concerning industry news, along with information concerning company partners.

Do’s and Don’ts:
• Make use of hashtags on twitter.
• Never make use of exclamation points.
• In your tweets, make use of numbers
• Share contents around lunch hours.
• Never share personal views
• Tweet on leadership and trending industry news.

Is there any need for one? YES

Why? For B2B companies, about 41% of them have acquired new clients through Facebook marketing and 90% of B2B companies are actively participating in it.

What should I post? You can post quick status updates, latest development in the company and links back to your website. Inform followers about new developments, event and personnel changes to the establishment.

Do’s and Don’ts:
• Never try to sell on Facebook.
• Be real and honest.
• For your profile picture, use the company logo.

Is there any need for one? Of Course

Why? B2B companies recorded a 61% success rate as 45% of them have secured new clients

What should I post? Messages, key information, products and services should be included in the company description. Include features that makes your company unique.

Do’s and Don’ts:
• Contents should be shared around lunch hours.
• Create or join relevant groups.
• Share expertise in groups.
• Avoid excessive promotion in groups.

Can I have one: Maybe not

• This is a platform that is more consumer oriented.
• It can be used as a storage place for info graphics and eBooks

Can I create an account? Maybe Not

• It is an excellent platform to showcase your company, hence recommended for B2B companies
• Photos of office events can be posted.


Is there any need for one? YES

Why? Clients take advantage of it to communicate with brands.

What should I tweet? Interact with followers by giving educative information relating to industry, brands, engaging the followers with quality content.

Do’s and Don’ts:
• Make tweets as short as possible.
• Never use exclamation points.
• Share contents around the lunch hours.
• Never retweet every user mentioned by you.
• Respond to questions from followers.
• Never share personal views.

Is there any need for one? YES

Why? People say Facebook is a cool place to interact with brands. This forms 82% of those who liked a brand, while about 40% of marketers were able to generate sales from Facebook.

What should I post? Interaction should be encouraged by asking questions, making use of pools, feedbacks and posting of industry updates related to your followers.

Do’s and Don’ts:
• Remain consistent with your brand image while you have some fun and more personal conversation.

Is there any need for one? Why Not?

Why? B2C companies recorded a 39% success rate while 26% of these companies have gained new clients using this platform.

What should I post? Posts should be corporate information like company updates, brand values. Less focus should be on the product.

Do’s and Don’ts:
• Contents should be shared around lunch hours.
• Corporate news should be shared.
• LinkedIn can serve as a customer feedback tool.
• Never use it as a tool for promoting your products.

Can I have one: Sure

• Over the years, its audience has increased exponentially as more time is spent on this platform.
• On your pins you can include pages to your website.
• For keywords which you would like to rank for, you can create boards for them.

Can I create an account? Yes

• As of January 2012, it had 15 million users and this increased to 80 million users in November 2012.
• Details of how your product was developed can be posted, showing that your product is unique.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.