The United States handbag industry is expected to be worth an $9 billion by 2015. Consumer momentum is estimated to be gained in future years with age groups between 15-34 years old. Emerging markets in Asia, offer new growth opportunities and product offerings to arise. Luxury handbags rank next to shows when it comes to being considered an essential fashion accessory. Moreover, cheap handbags offer more value for your money with improvements made in design and quality. The following listing of designer handbag logos place these brands next to other known fashion labels such as Wilson’s Leather and Guess.
The top countries for fashion handbags are the United Kingdom followed by the United States, Italy, and France. In the United States alone, women in the Northeast are three times more likely to carry a 10 pound purse than women in the Northwest. Statistics how that most women can not leave home without their makeup so considering the needs of women in handbag designs will help to gain popularity and function.
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