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10 Tips for Creating Epic Content


Quality content is the key to interact with your community while optimizing it can also boost your traffic, generating possible future leads for your business. However, such quality content is not that easy to create, especially if you would like it to be really engaging. So what are the most vital points that you should always keep an eye on when creating successful content? Let’s see!

1) Think as a reader.
To get the essence of engaging content the most important thing is to know your community and know it well. Analyze some feedback from your readers. Check your received emails, comments, conduct some interviews and surveys to know what are the trending topics and questions. Help your community members to solve their frustrating problems. Once you have gathered enough information, narrow your content to a problem which your can provide an immediate solution to.

2) Know your competition.
There is a great chance that your content won’t be the first one to cover that specific topic. Therefore, it is highly advisable to check the work of others to help you create unique content. Use Google to check for content related to your keywords, and take advantage of services like Buzzsumo to see which are the most trending posts out there. After doing some research, you’ll know not only your competition but get a better picture of the style that you should apply and the most important points which you should include.

3) Lab time.
You’d think you are set to put down those fascinating words that will make your competition burst out in envy, but sadly the most important part still lies ahead: planning. Time to get back to the lab! Plan your content, do your research on your topic, design your main points to be as relevant and meaningful as possible. Brainstorm to make your content unique and to differ from your competition. Before you’d get to the next final step, it is also a great idea to create some drafts, that will help you finalize your quality content.

4) Put those words down and double-check.
Once you are done with the steps above, you are finally ready to put those words down. Once ready with your new content, to double-check if you are material is on point, ask yourself the most important questions, like: Is my opening engaging and on point, that addresses my reader’s problems in the beginning? Did I create a structure that is easy to follow and will encourage my readers to continue? Do I use the appropriate language that is relevant to my audience? Once again, try to evaluate your final material as one of your future readers, and fix anything that you bump into in the meantime.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.