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Understanding the Keirsey Temperament Personality Assessment Test

Understanding the Keirsey Temperament Personality Assessment Test

The Keirsey Temperament Personality Assessment Test, also known as The Keirsey Temperament Sorter, is one of the most widely used personality tests in the world. The test consists of 70 questions designed to help the participant learn what their personality type is. The personality test is based on the Keirsey Temperament Theory created by Dr. David Keirsey.

The Four Temperament Groups

There are four temperament groups in the Keirsey theory. Each of these four also has four unique Character Types. The four basic groups and their sub-groups are:

Artisan – Crafter, Promoter, Performer, Composer
Guardian – Inspector, Supervisor, Protector, Provider
Rational – Mastermind, Inventor, Fieldmarshal, Architect
Idealist – Healer, Counselor, Teacher, Champion

The temperament groups are largely based on what a person says and what a person does. Actions and words are observable by others and much easier to asses than a person’s feelings.

Abstract and Concrete Communication

When a person speaks, they will either talk about the external world, or they will discuss internal ideas that are abstract. These include dreams, fantasies, beliefs and other ideals. Concrete communication refers to the outside world. This includes things like family news, work, facts, weather, sports, news and things of that nature. While everyone indulges in conversations about each type of communication from time to time, most people will choose one or the other in the majority of their conversations. An Abstract communicator will speak about their ideas, whereas a Concrete communicator will speak about the world around them.

Cooperative and Utilitarian Action

As the saying goes – “Actions speak louder than words.” In day-to-day life, most people are attempting to accomplish some kind of goal. It is the way that they go about accomplishing those goals that differentiates them from others.

A person who takes a cooperative approach will choose the socially acceptable route to a goal. They will do the “right thing.” They follow the accepted conventions, social rules and will only check the results of their actions later on down the road.

A person who takes a utilitarian approach takes action first and asks questions later. They take the route that achieves the best results in the most efficient way possible. Only after they have reached their goal will they check to see if they are following the rules.

To put it simply, a Cooperative person does what’s right, while a Utilitarian person does what works.

What Type of Questions are on the Test?

The Keirsey personality assessment test includes distinct questions that reveal a person’s character and their temperament. Much like other personality tests, the questions will be based on four pairs of preferences. These include:

• Extroversion and Introversion
• Thinking and Feeling
• Sensing and Intuiting
• Judging and Perceiving

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