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The Perfect Length For Every Type of Content

Type of Content

Getting the attention you want for your business requires that you engage them. There are many different ways to reach out to your audience but there is a formula to how much reaching out you should do. Each social media account, every blog and your content all has a length limit. Knowing your limits can help to ensure that you are not alienating your audience.

How Long Is Long Enough?

1. When you tweet keep it short and to the point. 100 characters is the limit for a reason. If you use them wisely you can get your idea across quickly and efficiently.

2. Your domain name should be no longer than 8 characters. Sounds short but short is easy to remember and it can be snappy. Longer domain names are harder to remember and are open to error when someone types it in and may take them to your competitors site.

3. Facebook posts should stay down to a 40 character maximum. It can get difficult to keep it down to 40 characters but it is important to do so.

4. Subject lines on your emails. Short and sweet is the best way to go. Keep your subject line down to 49 characters.

5. Headlines on your content should be about six words. Make it attention grabbing but keep it short and to the point.

6. Blog post should be about 1600 words maximum and should take your user no more than 7 minutes to read it.

7. Google Plus headlines should be no more than sixty characters.

8. Title tags should be 55 characters or under.

9. Youtube videos should never be any longer than 3 minutes. You will lose your audiences interest if you go beyond the 3 minutes.

10. Podcasts should not go beyond 22 minutes. Research has shown that 22 minutes for a podcast is the magic amount of time to keep your audience interested.

11. Webinars should only be about 18 minutes long to hang on to your audiences interest.

Making sure that you stay within this length limits will help to ensure that you engage your audience without boring them in the meantime. Use tools like a timer to ensure that you do not surpass your time limits. Once you get used to these time limits you will be able to easily stay within the limits and keep your audience interested.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.