Here is the full list of secret hidden Gchat emoticons. These secret emoticons will help you stand out in any Gchat.
Angry Gchat Emoticon
Type the following x-(
Big nose wink Gchat Emoticon
Type the following ;^)
Broken Heart Gchat Emoticon
Type the following </3
Cool Gchat Emoticon
Type the following B-)
Cowbell Gchat Emoticon
Type the following +/’\
Cry Gchat Emoticon
Type the following :’(
Devil Gchat Emoticon
Type the following }:-)
Equal sad Gchat Emoticon
Type the following =(
Equal slant Gchat Emoticon
Type the following =/
Equal Smile Gchat Emoticon
Type the following =)
Frown Gchat Emoticon
Type the following 🙁
Grin Gchat Emoticon
Type the following 😀
Heart/Love Gchat Emoticon
Type the following <3
It’s a monkey! Gchat Emoticon
Type the following :(|)
Kiss Gchat Emoticon
Type the following 😡
Kiss Gchat Emoticon
Type the following :*
Mustache Gchat Emoticon
Type the following :{
Nose Grin Gchat Emoticon
Type the following 😀
Nose sad Gchat Emoticon
Type the following 🙁
Nose smile Gchat Emoticon
Type the following 🙂
Nose tongue Gchat Emoticon
Type the following 😛
Nose wink Gchat Emoticon
Type the following 😉
Pig Gchat Emoticon
Type the following :(:)
Rock out. Gchat Emoticon
Type the following \m/
Shocked Gchat Emoticon
Type the following 😮
Slant Gchat Emoticon
Type the following :-/
Smile Gchat Emoticon
Type the following 🙂
Straight Face Gchat Emoticon
Type the following 😐
Tongue Gchat Emoticon
Type the following 😛
Wince Gchat Emoticon
Type the following >.<
Wink Gchat Emoticon
Type the following 😉
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