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Roles of Information Technology in Business

Roles of Information Technology in Business

Using IT in a Small Business

The world of IT offers many options with cloud computing and technological advances found useful in a small business environment. Here is an explanation the role IT plays in small businesses.

• 78% of small businesses use some form of in house IT.
• 22% of small businesses outsource their IT to someone else.

Outsourcing IT for a Small Business

Over half of small businesses that currently outsource their IT do so for cost effective reasons. A quarter of businesses find this useful in accessing better resources. 14% of small businesses outsource their IT for historical relationship reasons while the remaining do so for other reasons.

In-House IT for a Small Business

Majority of in house IT used within a small business operate in daily operations. A fifth primarily focus on traditional IT work while a smaller majority is involved with sales and business development and support customers or clients.

Get In the Cloud

Of the cloud computing industry, small and medium size businesses serve over $8 billion in revenue making up for a large portion of today’s cloud support. Over half of this industry is used by small businesses for hosting their infrastructure as well as their web site, messaging, and communication services.

Small businesses seeking cloud technologies revere storage and email services as a primary reason. Additionally, businesses are looking to cloud technologies for assistance with customer service, e-commerce, mobile commerce, and financial administration.

While over 80% of the cloud computer industry is dedicated to small business support, there are still almost half of current small businesses that are unfamiliar and uncomfortable with using cloud computer. A quarter of this is represented by individuals who have heard of cloud computing but are not familiar enough with it. 18% only understand the basis with another 10% that are comfortable enough to talk to others about it.

Technology in a Small Business Environment

Over half of small businesses recognize that they are not ahead of the curve but do find that they operate smoothly enough and with minimal maintenance. Only 7% perceive themselves as being ahead of the time with a third seeing ups and downs with their current structure.

With the level of satisfaction that currently exists, many small businesses do not plan to upgrade their current process. A little over 30% combined plan to upgrade sometime between the next three months to more than a year down the road. Of the upgrades planned, the primary focus of most small businesses is in computers and hardware. Over 90% of small businesses are dominant Microsoft users with only 5% reporting to use Mac OS X.

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Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.