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Latest Apple iPhone Sales Statistics

As of October 2013, the following statistics for sales of the Apple iPhone have been seen.

Apple iPhone 5C – 27%
Apple iPhone 4s – 9%
Apple iPhone 5S – 64%

The Consumer Intelligence Research Partners show that Apple is selling twice as many high end 5S phones than their lower priced 5C phones in the United States alone. Since its initial launch, Apply has seen a profit margin of 36% to 37%.

Apple iPhone Selling Statistics

The official figures released by Apple show that 9 million phones for the 5S and 5C model sold within the first three days of them on sale. This broke down to an average of 125,000 phone a hour or 2,083 phones sold a minute. This beat their last year records of 5 million phones sold with the iPhone 5 in September 2012.

Additional Apple Product Statistics

– iTunes Radio has already seen 20 million unique listeners and 1 billion songs played.
– iOS 7 off to strong start with over 200 million devices running it a week after its launch.
– Apple’s App Store now offers over 1 million apps with 60 billion downloads.
– Apple’s marketplace has produced them over $13 billion in revenue.

Apples Earnings

The below infographic provides a detailed outlook to Apple’s financial health and net earnings. A breakdown to their revenue by each segment is outlined along with their iOS market share.

Apple Sale Statistics
The infographic above was created by Statista.

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Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.