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How to Get More Likes on Facebook


With over 1 billion Facebook users world wide, Facebook is the social media tool. As a result of this, increasing your likes and Facebook friends is a fantastic way to drum up support for yourself, a cause, a project, or even your business. In addition, the more Facebook likes you have, the more influence and power your opinions have.

So, lets review some ways you can dramatically increase your Facebook likes.

Outside Promoting

Working outside of Facebook to increase your likes is an excellent way to bring people in who would otherwise miss or not work within Facebook’s system. There are a number of ways you can do this, including putting a like bulletin in your store, advertising your Facebook in news or TV, creating events that link to your Facebook, handing out business cards with the information provided, and engaging people in conversation about it.

Host A Contest

People love free things. People are willing to jump through a few hurtles to sign up for a contest. Make that hurtle liking you on Facebook, or simply hold the contest on your Facebook page. With increased traffic, you dramatically increase your likes. Running a contest requires paying Facebook a little bit of money, but it is not that much. By using the contest to promote your business in a fun way, you look to create a tie in that works on multiple levels.

Provide a Link to Twitter

By linking your Facebook page to your Twitter account and vise-versa, you allow two previously separate groups to come together, increasing the chances people will like your Facebook page.

Last but Not Least, Be Active

It cannot be stated enough, but the best way to get likes is to be active. There is an old saying that an artist must first paint 10,000 bad paintings before they start painting good ones. The same is true or Facebook likes. Start, continue, and do not let up. Share your content with other people to increase them linking back to you. Make connections with others in similar businesses and benefit from cross-promotional advertisements. With so much content to add on behalf of you, simply creating more content can increase likes.

Dramatically increasing your Facebook likes doesn’t have to be difficult. Rather, by following a few of the suggestions above, you will have a number of short and long term solutions.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.