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Fortune 500 vs. Inc 500 CEOs in Social Media


Which CEOs Are More Social

In modern times, incorporated CEOs make use of social media to build their businesses while the fortune CEOs have not been heart.

Social Media Profiles

Fortune 500 Companies
From fortune 500 companies and incorporation’s, social media usage is about 30%. Rupert Murdoch is the CEO of News Corporation, a multinational mass media corporation. The company has an annual revenue of about $34 billion and in the last three years the percentage of growth is placed at 1.8% with 51,000 employees. He is aged at 81.

Of all the Fortune 500 CEOs who use Twitter, Rupert Murdoch is the top user at 318,325 followers, 24 following, and 505 tweets. He has no facebook profile. According to him, “Facebook is more of a directory. People go looking for their relatives or friends who they are going to meet.” On Klout score, he scored a 90 and this is the highest for Fortune 500 CEOs.

Inc. 500 Companies
For these companies, Social media usage is about 79%. Dave Kerpen is the CEO of Likeable Media which is a media and word of mouth marketing firm. It has an annual revenue of approximately $4.7 million with a growth of 2,225% in the last three years. At 36 years of age, the firm has 24 employees. For Twitter, Dave Kerpen is the top users for Inc. 500 CEOs. He has 50,566 followers, 2,600 following, and 38,319 tweets. On Facebook he has 25,400 subscribers and 4,529 friends. For Klout, his score was the highest at 82 for CEO’s.

Digital Profiles

Facebook: 7.6% of Fortune 500 companies use Facebook, 40.4% of Inc 500 companies use Facebook and 53.2% of the population in the US use Facebook also.

Twitter: 3.8% of Fortune 500 companies use Twitter, 29.1% of Inc. 500 companies use Twitter while 45% of the US population are Twitter followers.

LinkedIn: 25.9% of Fortune 500 companies are LinkedIn users, 77.6% of Inc. 500 companies are on LinkedIn while 22% of the US population are on LinkedIn.

Google+: 0.8% of Fortune 500 companies use this site, 12% of Inc. 500 and 18% of the US population make use of this platform.

Pinterest: From the survey, no Fortune 500 company uses this social media site. 1.4% if Inc. 500 companies and 3.9% of the US population make use of this platform.

Facts on Twitter

From research, it has been discovered that Inc. 500 companies are 7.6 times more likely to use Twitter while other one quarter of Fortune 500 CEOs on Twitter have never posted a tweet. On the flip side, almost all 98% of Inc. 500 CEOs on Twitter have tweeted.

Facts on Facebook

For Inc 500 CEOs, those with the most Facebook friends have over thrice the amount of the fortune 500 CEO with most friends on Facebook. For Mark Zuckerberg, he has more than 15 million subscribers.

LinkedIn Facts

Inc. 500 CEOs are three times more likely to be on LinkedIn as compared to Fortune 500 CEOs. 95% of Inc. 500 CEOs have at least 10 connections on LinkedIn, only 59% of Fortune 500 CEOs have more than ten connectioons.

Google+ Facts

Parry page has the most circles. This comes as no surprise. This includes more than 2.7 million circles.

Pinterest Facts

Of all of the Inc. 500 CEOs, Mark Zuckerberg has the most followers. He has only three ins but with more than 11,500 followers.

Blogging Facts

Of the Inc. 500 companies, 5.8% of the CEOs are blogging and are more than 4 times likely to participate in blogging. 1.2% of Fortune 500 CEOs are blogging.

Why CEOs Should Use Social Media

Discoveries from a recent survey by branding, 77% are of the opinion that a social CEO will increase business purchases while 78% want to work with a CEO who has social. 81% believe social CEOs are better leaders, 82% of the sampled population are of the opinion that social CEOs are more trustworthy while 93% believe social CEOs are better equipped for management in time of crisis. 94% believe that social CEOs are poised towards enhancing the brand of the company.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.