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Dealing with Unhappy Employees at Work and Managing their Productivity


A recent poll by Gallup has revealed that stress in the workplace is the number one reason for employee dissatisfaction in the American workforce. Unsuitable working conditions and a high demanding job will contribute to on the job stress.

An employer should always be asking, how can I spot an over-worked and stressed out employee?

There have been many studies and reports investigating how much of an issue work related stress actually is. 25% of American workers have said that their job is the number one factor for stress in their lives. Stress from a job can negatively impact family and personal time. Even worse many people end up suffering from health relates issues, as a direct result of the stressfulness of their jobs.

The root of the problem

A survey conducted by Harris Interactive in 2010 showed the top causes behind tension and anxiety of employees.

  • Low pay – 14%
  • Commuting long distances – 11%
  • Unreasonable workload – 9%
  • Fear of being fired or laid off – 9%
  • Annoying co-workers – 8%
  • The boss – 5%
  • A poor work-life balance – 5%
  • Lack of opportunities for advancing up the career ladder – 4%

How to tell an employee is feeling stressed

There are many telling signs that indicate someone is feeling the pressures of stress. If an employee is suffering from a few or more of the following problems, then stress is the likely cause of it:

  • Poor memory and lack of concentration
  • Acting angry and irritable
  • Decrease in the quality of work
  • Drowsiness and Fatigue
  • Bad time management
  • Drastic change in typical working hours
  • An in increase in calling in sick

The hidden signs

The above were just the noticeable signs that manifest themselves. There are other ways that cause employees to suffer silently:

  • Headaches or migraines
  • Heart disease
  • Psychological disorders
  • Musculoskeletal disorders

People will respond to stress in different ways. Some will become more withdrawn and show very little energy. Others will start to act more heatedly and emotionally, and not be able to stay still.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.