The circus has been known to offer family entertainment for generations. Focused on exotic acts, extreme and theatrical displays, with tricks performed by animals of the wild. The traditional circus has seen changing trends towards more theater style entertainment that are animal free. The following collection of circus slogans are from old and new acts that are timeless in nature.
A few clowns short of a circus
A marvelous high wire venus.
A return to the rich tradition of the circus.
A world full of famous performing beauties.
Acrobat in the house
Affordable family fun.
Another way.
Appreciate the circus full on.
As you have never seen before.
Astonishing show for all family.
Big shows combined for a complete adventure.
Bring the entire family.
Built to amaze.
Built to astonish.
Buy tickets now.
Circus. Circus. Blows its Tops.
Come one. Come all.
Coming to town circus with alot of fun and fervor.
Coming to town.
Despair is the constant companion of the clown.
Dream big.
Dream enormous.
Enormous joined shows.
Enormous united shows.
Feel the enchantment very close.
Feel the magic up close.
For a long time, I debated about whether I would make movies or join the circus and work as a clown.
For scenes of the absurd.
Fun for all ages, come appreciate the good times.
Fun for all ages, come enjoy the fun.
Get the show on the road.
Gleaming and glittering with gold and wondrous surprises for young and old.
Greatest pageant ever yet beheld.
If you surround yourself with clowns, don’t be surprised when your life resembles a circus.
In a world full of lions and tigers entertaining the masses, have you ever seen a wolf performing in a circus?
It’s showtime, anytime.
Its triumphs reach beyond the seas.
Join our big low price party.
Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn’t mean the circus has left town.
Life is a circus and I’m stuck in the freak tent.
Life is a circus ring, with some moments more spectacular than others.
Life is a three ringed circus.
Life’s a tightrope and I’m no acrobat.
New season in your city.
Nobody should try to play comedy unless they have a circus going on inside.
Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Nothing is what one thinks it is. Cloth is stone and circus is an art. There are no certainties.
People stand enchanted with astonishment.
People stand spellbound with amazement.
Performances Daily.
Preserving the past, advancing what’s to come.
Preserving the past, promoting the future.
Roll Up. Move Up. The circus is coming.
See incredible aerial acrobatics.
See the family show, the wonderful show.
Serves for centuries.
So new. So different.
Spine chilling attractions.
Super circus, today and every Sunday.
The best pinball on earth.
The best sans protection rider ever.
The best show on earth.
The big one is back.
The big show of the world.
The biggest bash in circus history.
The biggest giveaway in history.
The children’s favorite clown.
The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.
The circus is around the local area.
The circus is in town.
The circus is the only fun you can buy that is good for you.
The circus itself is my own optimal amusement setting.
The circus itself is my personal ideal entertainment venue.
The enormous show of the world.
The greatest bare back rider of all time.
The greatest pinball on earth.
The greatest show on earth.
The huge one is back.
The impression of the century.
The kids’ most loved jokester.
The most lavish circus spectacular ever staged.
The pit of curiosities.
The pit of interests.
The pride of America.
The rock and roll circus.
The sensation of the century.
The stone and move circus.
The world its field.
The world’s grandest, largest, best, amusement institution.
The world’s most excellent, biggest, best, entertainment establishment.
The world’s famous, biggest, and greatest features.
The world’s most terrifying living creature.
Time is a circus, always packing up and moving away.
Tossing his hat into the ring.
Trained wild animal railroad circus.
Twenty times a bigger show.
Unique performances for all family.
Your chance to see wild animals at the circus.
Your company is not a circus.
Your opportunity to see wild creatures at the circus.
The below infographic outlines the concerns and atrocities that circuses have performed on animals. With recent anger drawn towards protesting the use of animals in the circus, The Ringling Bros and other famous circus institutions have invested in conservation efforts and staff to ensure the well being and safety of the animals used to perform. Acts are limited in time that animals are used to perform while custom train transports are created for animal quarters to offer greater comfort. The Ringling Bros is known for owning the largest private fleet of trains in the United States.
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