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9 Ways Real Estate Agent Reviews Influence Home Buyers

9 Ways Real Estate Agent Reviews Influence Home Buyers

Online Reviews and Their Importance to Real Estate Agents

The real estate agent will usually have several choices to make in terms of the best means of advertising his/her services in online platforms. There is a lot of competition from other agents sourcing for new clients in this platform as well and therefore simply having a presence here is not sufficient anymore. Researches carried out have clearly shown that consumers rely a lot on the reviews of products and services made by other clients to make choices. Hence, when you are using an online platform, having positive customer reviews will do a lot of good to your marketing needs.

Well, it would be great to find out if this is the case with real estate agent services as well. To ascertain whether this is true for this sector as well, Zip Realty has conducted surveys based on the same. About 2,500 people hoping to buy homes from online sources were questioned on how much they rely on reviews from sites dealing with property issues.


When asked how often they used review sites like Yelp or even Angie’s List, 38% of the respondents said they never did. 34% of them said they did but not often while 18% said they used these sites somewhat often. Only 10% of the respondents said they rely on them a lot.

When the same respondents were asked about the factors that would make them want to deal with an agent they chanced upon online, 62% of them said that excellent reviews from actual customers would work for them. Apparently, a well written “About Me” section in the website of an agent would attract about 5% of the respondents. An impressive agent profile was attractive to 8% of respondents while knowing an agent whose actions in the community are good was also attractive to 22% of the respondents. Only 4% would be won over by impressive comments from clients who are not well known.

Likeliness of Receiving a Review

These respondents were also asked what would prompt them to leave a review about their services. 65% of the respondents said that good services from a given agent would prompt them to leave a review while 19% said that average to poor services would make them leave a review. 12% of the respondents would respond if the agent asked them to leave a review.

As concerns the ratings that an agent has, 38% of the respondents said they were somewhat likely to contact an agent with several five star ratings and a few two star ones. 33% said they were very likely to contact such an agent, 19% said they would definitely call on them while 11% would either not call at all or were unlikely to do the same.

Word of Mouth is Golden

Word of mouth referrals for agents would also attract an internet search about the qualities of these professionals before a prospective client contacts them. 43% of the respondents said they would run a search on them, 28% said it was very likely they would carry out research, 16% said this was somewhat likely while 13% said they would not consider this or that it was not likely they would.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.