Skateboarding requires a lot of practice to gain the necessary skills to be a successful participant. These skateboarding slogans as perfect examples for enthusiasts to share with others that live with the same passion for skateboarding.
A new skate of mind.
All Day Fun.
Arrest me I’m a long boarder.
Born to Skate.
Break all rules.
Can’t we all just get along…board?
Come to Skate and Have Fun.
Do more of what makes you happy.
Enjoy Skateboarding.
Get tricks or die trying.
Go with the flow.
Go. Play. Do.
Grip it and Rip it!
I have so many ripped clothes from longboarding.
I live to ride and ride to live.
I roll with soul.
I want you to skate!
It always seems impossible until it’s done.
It is not an attitude, it is the way I am.
It’s time to ride.
Just skate.
Keep calm & skate on.
Keep calm and keep on pushing.
Keep calm and Skate.
Keep on Rollin!
Kid tested, wife disapproved. 100% fun.
Less work more skate.
Life Freedom. Perfection Action.
Life is a lot with skateboarding.
Life’s short ride long.
Live in peace & Skateboard.
Live, Love, & Skateboard.
Make skate parks, not war.
Never trust a Skater.
No Brakes.
No limit, Freestyle.
No Skateboarding? No way.
Oh glorious asphalt, tell me your secrets.
Peace, Love and Skate.
Real girls skate curbs.
Ride everyday.
Ride hard or ride home.
Ride hard, cause bones heal and chicks dig scars.
Ride the concrete wave: from the old school to the next pool.
Ride with Pride.
Roll with it!
Scars are like cheap tattoos.
Shred ’til yer dead!
Shut up & Skate.
sk8 don’t hate.
Skate Boarding Is Not A Crime.
Skate Boarding: That’s how I roll.
Skate hard or Go home.
Skate or die.
Skate with Passion.
Skateboard: Because gravity is a terrible thing to waste.
Skateboarders : Proudly annoying pedestrians since 1972.
Skateboarding isn’t a sport, it’s a lifestyle.
Skateboarding keeps people balanced!
Skateboarding, it’s complicated.
Skaters only: Violators will be ollied.
Skills on wheels!
Sleep Less. Skate More.
Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand.
Speed kills but boredom kills faster… ride a skateboard.
Standing on your own four wheels.
Stop skate-stopping!
Street Skate.
There are no rules in Skateboarding.
To skate or not to skate? There is no question.
We have pride in what we ride.
When and doubt, Big Spin out.
When I get bored..I go board.
Why isn’t skateboarding a sport? You can’t cheat.
Ya just shreddin’ it up.
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here. Brandon is currently the CEO of Aided.