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53 Stress Statistics in America

US Stress Statistics

Stress can occur in the home or workplace. Within the United States the top following causes of stresses among Americans are listed below.

Top Causes of Stress

1. Job Pressure – Issues with co-workers, management, and work overload.
2. Money – Loss of job, retirement, and medical expenses.
3. Health – Health crisis, terminal, and chronic illness.
4. Relationships – Divorce, death of spouse, arguments, and loneliness.
5. Poor Nutrition – Inadequate nutrition, caffeine, processed foods, and refined sugars.
6. Media Overload – Television, radio, email, and social media.
7. Sleep Deprivation – Inability to release adrenaline and other stress hormones.

An estimated 85% of millennial’s report being stressed due to financial and job related concerns. 75% of Gen X’ers and Boomers are more likely to report being stressful than just the 62% matures.

Effects of Stress

• 77% of Americans regularly experience physical symptoms due to stress.
• 73% of Americans have psychological symptoms caused by stress.
• 33% of Americans feel as if they are living under extreme stress.
• 48% of Americans feel as if their stress has increased over the past 5 years.
• 76% of Americans cited money as their leading cause of stress.
• 48% of Americans report lying awake at night due to stress.
• 48% of Americans feel as if stress impacts their personal and professional life negatively.
• 35% cited jobs as a primary source of stress from interference with their family life.
• 26% of Americans have been alienated from a friend or family due to stress.
• 54% claim stress has caused them to fight with those close to them.
• 10% of strokes are caused by work stress.
• 1 in 5 Americans experience extreme stress from shaking, heart palpitations, to depression.

5 Keys to Break Stress

The below video discusses five keys to breaking stress and preserving your health and emotional well being.

Health Symptoms Caused by Stress

Approximately 47% of Americans have cited stresses as the reasoning behind their increased physical and emotional symptoms and illness.

1. Fatigue – 51%
2. Irritability or Anger – 50%
3. Feeling Nervous – 45%
4. Lack of Energy – 45%
5. Headache – 44%
6. Feel as if you could cry – 35%
7. Upset Stomach – 34%
8. Muscle Tension – 30%
9. Change in Appetite – 23%
10. Teeth Grinding – 17%
11. Change in Sex Drive – 15%
12. Feeling Dizzy – 13%

Gender Differences

Females and males both contend with stress differently.

• Women are more like than men, 28% compared to 20% report having to deal with stress.
• Almost half of women said their stress has increased over past 5 years compared to men’s 39%.
• Women are more likely to report stress regarding money and the economic compared to men.
• Women are more likely to suffer physical and emotional symptoms caused by stress.
• Married women suffer from higher stress than men.

Top Ways to Manage Stress

1. Listen to Music.
2. Exercise or Walk.
3. Spend Time with Friends or Family.
4. Read.
5. Watch Television or Movies.
6. Pray.
7. Play Video Games.
8. Nap.
9. Spend Time Doing a Hobby.
10. Eat.

Top 5 Barriers to Change

1. I don’t have enough willpower.
2. I don’t have enough time.
3. It’s too expensive.
4. I am not confident.
5. It’s hard to keep track of everything.

The Psychology of Stress

An individuals personality, personal control, coping strategies, and current support system can all play a factor in one’s ability to manage stress. Over 100 million work days are lost a year due to work related stress. The following infographic outlines additional facts and statistics about living with stress.

Psychology of Stress

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.