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47 Useful Facebook Ads Statistics

There’s no denying the power of what Facebook ads could do for a business. With over 1 billion active users every month and with more people on more devices for longer periods of time, there is a good chance that your next ad can get noticed when you use Facebook for your next marketing plan.

58% of Facebook users log in at least once per day to check their account.

What is most impressive about what Facebook can provide as an advertising option is the amount of time that people are actually using the social network. According to recent research, the average Facebook account holder spends over 6.5 hours on the social network. When you combine the power of targeted advertising that Facebook can provide, it’s easy to see why more businesses are considering Facebook for their advertising needs.

Here Are 3 Fast Facts You Should Know Right Now

1. There are 3.2 billion interactions that occur on Facebook every day.
2. Facebook is available on every mobile, home, and business platform so that advertising can engage people wherever they happen to be.
3. An advertising campaign that is based on social and personal statistics from Facebook can have up to a 94% targeting efficiency. Compare that to a good internet advertising campaign that has a 27% target efficiency rating.

Takeaway: Whether you like Facebook, love it, or hate the sound of it, there’s no denying the fact that Facebook ads can sell. Any entrepreneur with a home computer, a fast internet connection, and a product or service to sell can have a viable global business overnight thanks to the power of Facebook ads. Although advertising on other social networks and online platforms can also be effective, then only more efficient way of marketing today from a business perspective is through SMS texting. Because of that fact alone, Facebook ads can’t be ignored today.

Here is Why Facebook Ads Are Working

1. Thanks to adjustments in news feeds, 40% more users saw advertising on Facebook in Q1 2014 when compared to the same period the year before.
2. 52% of Facebook advertising targets regions outside of the United States.
3. There are only 1 million active Facebook advertisers as of the last statistics released in 2013.
4. In an analysis of 60 advertising campaigns on Facebook by major national brands, 49% of the advertisers had a 5x or greater ROI on their advertising. 70% at 3x or greater ROI.
5. 98% of people have a greater brand recognition of advertising they saw on Facebook compared to other advertising mediums.
6. Because of the 1:1 engagement ratio that Facebook creates, better word of mouth advertising is created, which spurs up to 92% of total sales.
7. Advertisers could be undervaluing the efforts of a social media advertising campaign by more than 100% because CPC rates on Facebook are often the first step toward a sale instead of the last.

Takeaway: It’s the massive return on investment that advertising campaigns on Facebook can bring in that make Facebook ads such an exciting opportunity. With 70% potentially have triple returns on their investment, there’s a real chance to find a new revenue stream with a marketing campaign here. It’s a chance to engage people where they are most comfortable, in their homes, where they feel like they have a relationship with their news feed. If a business can get onto that feed, they literally become part of a person’s existence! That builds brand loyalty, repeat customers, and ultimately entrepreneurial success.

How Big is Facebook?

1. Online advertising revenue was $117.6 billion in 2013, up 36% over figures from 2011.
2. Despite billions in revenue being generated, 14% of all companies around the world in a recent survey had $0 set aside for social marketing.
3. Almost any advertising seen on Facebook was seen as an average ad placement according to recent data. On a scale from 1-5, with 5 being the absolute best ad placement ever seen, a combination of desktop and mobile news feeds scored a 3.26.
4. Right hand side advertising on Facebook is seen as the least effective advertising placement available on the website.
5. 92% of companies that advertise on social media do so on Facebook. The next highest percentage is on YouTube, which is just 35%.
6. Only 31% of companies used some sort of paid social analytics tool to mine the data received from a social media marketing campaign.
7. Only 28.9% of companies believe that providing some form of social customer care is an integral part of the social media experience.

Takeaway: With Facebook, it really is a case of companies wanting their cake and being able to eat it too. The goal is obviously quite simple: get as many customers as possible for the least amount of money needed. Nearly 7 out of 10 companies aren’t willing to put their money where they believe it should be, however, and that means most companies are flying blind when it comes to social media marketing. Is it no wonder why success is being seen only intermittently when no benchmarking data is being obtained or examined to measure success or failure?

Is Facebook Ads a Priority for Social Media?

1. Only 0.9% of organizations today place no priority on Facebook ads. Compare that to 81.9% of companies that place a high priority on this platform’s advertising.
2. On the other end of the spectrum is Tumblr, where only 3.5% of businesses say that advertising is essential, compared to 60.9% who don’t care about the website at all.
3. Large companies tend to have more diversified support for social media advertising. They also tend to have higher percentages of employees that do not support Facebook ads whatsoever.
4. One of the most effective ways to advertise today is through publishing content that is linked to a Facebook ad.
5. Facebook accounts for 60% of all social media referrals to other ecommerce websites.
6. 45% of social media advertisers are using the platform for the sole reason of building brand awareness.
7. Only 1 out of 4 advertisers use Facebook ads exclusively to drive traffic to a specific website to increase product sales.
8. 79% of people using social media advertising like Facebook ads saw quality leads develop from their efforts.

Takeaway: If Facebook ads isn’t a priority for a business right now, it’d better be in the near future because that’s where the future of advertising appears to be at the moment. A simple promoted post in someone’s news feed can provide organic results that will convert up to 10% more than a standard traffic referral will convert. It’s no wonder why in 2013, more than 60% of advertisers worked hard to increase their social media advertising budgets and that was before a new emphasis was placed on the actual placement of advertising on the Facebook platform.

Are You Using Facebook Correctly?

1. 55% of advertisers don’t take advantage of the option to utilize sponsored stories.
2. Only 17% of advertisers are targeting the location of where someone works to develop a specific niche advertising campaign.
3. 37% of Facebook ads have a lifespan of 14 days or less. This includes advertising campaigns that only last for 5 days.
4. Facebook ads can lower a company’s cost per conversion by up to 35%.
5. The most common mistake that a company makes when using Facebook ads is to target either too broad of an audience or too narrow of one.
6. Facebook allows advertisers to target a specific age match so that a niche response can be generated, but that box is often not clicked so that the default targets both genders of any age.
7. A low budget may cause your advertising campaign to never be viewed on Facebook, thereby skewing the results that can be achieved.

Takeaway: It can be scary to set a high budget advertising campaign on Facebook because that can end up being a lot of cash. You don’t have to set a lengthy advertising campaign to reach your goals, however, and that’s probably the biggest misconception. It’s not the length of time that matters on Facebook. It’s the quality of the creative that you put out on the website. If you can meet your social advertising goals in just 2 hours, then wouldn’t it make sense to set the budget so you can do so instead of having a 21 day campaign that doesn’t target your niche in the right way?

Brand Recognition: Is It Important?

1. Using a logo that no one will recognize in your niche as the primary point of emphasis in a Facebook advertising campaign can reduce the effectiveness of it.
2. One of the primary reasons why an ad creative will fail is because there is too much text to read within the ad.
3. A normal advertising campaign has up to 30 seconds of time for a full first judgment to be made in terms of perceived value. For a Facebook ad campaign, you’re luck if you get 1 second. If you don’t impress, you will fail.
4. Linkbait will cost you a lot of money on Facebook ads without any results. Potential customers don’t want to be misled.
5. Use a call to action to make sure your ads can maximize the return on your investment.
6. The right structure of a Facebook ad creates a better overall performance. For example, a question shows a better response rate in organic, viral, and CTR performance as a paid post than any other type of post. On the other hand, unpaid posts that are photographs have the best CTR rates.
7. 5.7% of Facebook users will engage with a paid photography post, which is double any other type of engagement rate except for those that have something free to offer.

Takeaway: If you aren’t seeing any engagement or CTRs with a Facebook ad campaign, it could be that you’re doing it wrong. Paid posts that contain just a link, for example, offer just a 0.6% engagement rate. Although unpaid posts tend to create more of an organic response, there is no denying what the power of a photograph can provide or what a poll question can do to create a buzz for a new product or service. Rich media posts are the most important to use because they generate the least amount of negative feedback at less than .005% per post. If you advertise smarter on Facebook, it is clear that you can achieve those high ROIs that you’re looking to find.

Here’s the Bottom Line

1. 52% of all marketers today have found at least one new customer because of Facebook ads.
2. Landing pages that include a video marketing effort when combined with a Facebook ad see an 86% increase in conversion rates.
3. Emails that include Facebook advertising and other social sharing buttons have a 158% better open rate.
4. Facebook ads that feature customer testimonials have an 89% effectiveness rating.
5. Because of the effectiveness of social media advertising, it is expected that advertising budgets for this niche will double within the next 5 years.
6. 65% of people learn better visually and inbound marketing efforts from a visual campaign will create 54% more leads.
7. 78% of CMO’s believe that custom content marketing is the future of advertising and Facebook ads will help you do that right now.
8. Internet advertising is expected to take up 25% of the total ad market by 2015.

Takeaway: The time is now to begin advertising on Facebook. Although not every company will see success with a campaign, it is more likely because the product or service isn’t seen as valuable rather than a lack of actual exposure to people who’d want the item being advertised. Because specific demographics and niche audiences can be targeted, down to the specific age of a Facebook user, there is no denying the value of a well-run campaign, even if it only runs for a couple hours.

Facebook Advertising Statistics and Facts

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.