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75 Catchy Hand Washing Hygiene Slogans

The following series of handwashing slogans are intended to encourage positive and routine handwashing practices.

20%-50% is not good enough.

All hands to the pump.

Be a germ buster, wash hands.

Be aware, wash with care.

Break the germ cycle.

Bury the germ, wash your hands.

Clean handed people are clean. So be clean, wash your hands.

Clean hands are guardians of health.

Clean hands deserve two thumbs up.

Clean hands make the world go round.

Clean hands prevent germs from spreading.

Clean hands, healthy heart.

Clean hands, safe hands.

Clean well so you can eat well.

Don’t be a bum, wash off the scum.

Don’t be a dope, wash your hands with water and soap.

Don’t be dirty, be neat. Wash your hands before you eat.

Don’t get caught germy handed.

Don’t let germs get you down.

Don’t pass the bug, make handwashing a must.

Don’t take it personally.

Don’t be a numb, wash off the scum.

Don’t be dirty, be neat. Wash your hands before you eat.

Don’t lick, germs stick.

Don’t spread germs wash your hands.

Don’t wait for commands! Wash your hands!

Drown a bug, save a life.

Fight germ warfare, wipe em out, wash your hands.

Hand washing your protection against infection.

Handwashing and caring goes together.

Handwashing Good! Germs Bad!

Handwashing is an important part of your job.

Handwashing is up too us.

Health and hygiene are wealth and fitness.

I’m being safe for you. I wash my hands.

If you keep clean, you will look like the queen.

If you wash your hands, you are a winner.

In all the lands, wash your hands.

Infection – Don’t pass it on.

Infection control is in your hands.

It is neat to wash your hands before you eat.

It’s universal – handwashing every patient every time.

It’s only right to clean your hands day and night.

Juice is worth the squeeze.

Let your fingers do the washing.

Make it a clean scene, wash your hands with water and soap.

Make your intention prevention. Wash your hands.

No germs allowed wash your hands.

Please use soap to scrub each hand or you’ll spread disease to all the land.

Safety first, wash and protect.

Save Lives and Money.

Save Time.

Seeing is believing, but you can’t see germs.

Soap and water go hand in hand.

Some habits are good.

Stop – please remove germs be decontaminating your hands.

Stop disease in its tracks.

Stop spreading germs in seconds.

Stop! Handwashing is practiced here.

Ten out of ten patients prefer care from clean hands.

Use the soap, don’t be a dope.

War on germs, hand to hand combat.

Wash for happiness.

Wash those germs right off your hands.

Wash your hands and fingers for any germs that lingers.

Washed hands are caring hands.

Washing hands prevents disease and puts everyone else at ease.

We’re all in this together.

We’re counting on you to clean your hands.

What are the top ten carriers of infection agents (each one of your fingers).

Will you please, prevent disease. Wash your hands.

You are grand if you wash your hand.

Your hands are lovely.

Go here to see some more slogan examples and find out the perfect slogan formula for creating a catchy slogan that brings in more customers.

Routine handwashing is one of the best practices to follow to stop the impact of spreading illness and germs to others. Only 1 out of every 3 adults wash their hands after coughing or sneezing. An estimated 27% of adults wash their hands after handling money. Germs can thrive up to 48 hours on some surfaces causing influenza A/B to spread.

An average 1 out of 2 students say they sometimes do not use the bathroom because it is not clean. The occurrence of hospital acquired infections surpass that of auto accident fatalities by almost 200%. The below infographic outlines interest statistics and facts about the importance and effects of handwashing.

Handwashing Health Facts

Here's the big list of business name ideas that covers over 150 of the most popular industries, and here is a directory of all of my slogans.

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Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here. Brandon is currently the CEO of Aided.