OpenTable is your one-stop shop to make sure that the restaurant you choose is the right one. Whether you’re trying to find some place new in your own community or you’re out on a holiday and need a place to eat, this website provides online reviews of restaurants and lets you make a reservation for the same night in some instances. With a full social media presence and handy apps on all platforms, you’ll find this free system for customers is a great way to bring in some additional business.
Are you looking for alternatives to OpenTable? Here are some other ideas to help your restaurant drive some additional traffic through your doors!
Angie’s List –
One of the first online review sites that encourages real customers to leave real reviews about their experiences, this website was initially started as a means of driving reputations and traffic for local contractor-style businesses. Today these unbiased reviews are left by paying members of the site which means the dynamic is reversed – you just want to make sure your business is listed! Once it is, then it becomes up to you to make sure your service is accomplished to the best of your ability to encourage great reviews.
CityEats –
This is the website that is backed by the Food Network and the initial setup fee for a restaurant is $1,500. There are also ongoing monthly fees to consider and there is a cost per reservation that is made, even from the restaurants own website. It is only available in a limited amount of cities, but it does have a similar structure to OpenTable and can help to drive additional traffic to a restaurant in no time at all.
Livebookings –
OpenTable may be the industry leader in the United States in this field, but Livebookings holds the crown when it comes to Europe. It includes free versions of the software to use on a restaurant’s website and the costs are a fraction of what some of the competitor’s in this field charge. Partner websites will also advertise your restaurant and create bookings through this OpenTable alternative, albeit for a $1 charge per reservation.
UReserv –
UReserv is the most cost-effective option out of all. For just $30 per month, you get a cloud-based option to help customers find the reservations they need. A wait list system is incorporated with this service that will notify customers by e-mail or text that their table is ready and there is a mobile app that managers can use as well.
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