The use of vocational, trade, and tech schools offer students a great opportunity to gain the skills needed to enter into a new career. Many fast track options are also available in these types of environments, allowing the student to focus on learning the primary knowledgebase required for success. Many students look at choosing a school that meets their tuition costs and provide financial assistance services, have a high student completion rate, and a high percentage of job placement following their course of study. To come up with some new ideas for your next marketing campaign, the following technical school slogans from existing college campuses serve as great examples to the type of taglines you can effectively use.
A better educated generation, a better future for our nation.
A great place to learn.
A love affair with knowledge will never end in heartbreak.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
An environment of performance.
Be a leader you would want to follow.
Better education for all, young and old, big and small.
Better education improves the nation.
Do a good deed, stand up and lead.
Education is a path not a destination.
Go to class and pass.
Grow your mind and better opportunities you will find.
Just Be yourself.
Knowledge expands your horizons.
Knowledge is Power.
lead the way to a brighter day.
Leading through innovation.
Learning as a team that is our dream.
Learning the practical value of knowledge.
Quest For Excellence.
Spirit of innovation.
Take control of your career.
The cost of ignorance exceeds that of education.
The learning interface.
The Power of Learning.
Think Probabilities, Learn Statistics.
Travel the universe with Science.
We care, We share, For the future we prepare.
We develop leaders, who develop people, who develop business.
We don’t teach. We develop what’s already inside you.
Where little things mean a lot.
Where theory meets practice.
You have to learn if you want to earn.
The following video provides some unique insights as to how to maximize your technical knowledge base to enter into a new career. Looking at how to approach developing the right career objectives and the role your technical degree will play into your current skill set are vitally important to understand the value of your education.
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here. Brandon is currently the CEO of Aided.