Here is a selection of the best business “thank you” card messages for a variety of occasions.
1. We greatly appreciate the feedback you have given us so that we can serve you and other [company name] customers better. Listening to your experience with us helps us improve, and we assure you that we have heard you. Thank you for helping us get better. You are the most valued part of what we do.
2. Thank you for your order! Each one of your orders is important to us and we truly appreciate you being a repeat customer. Thank you for remaining a valued customer. Your loyalty allows us to continue to grow as a business.
3. I wanted to thank you on behalf of all of us at [company name] for being a valued and faithful customer for [number] years. Without you, we would not be here. As a token of our appreciation, please find a code for [dollar amount] off your next order. It has been our pleasure to serve you, and we look forward to continuing to do so.
4. Thank you for placing an order with [company name]. Our desire to meet your needs motivates us every day. Your repeat business drives every member of our team to continue to find ways to serve you better and make you a happy part of the [company name] family. Please accept our gratitude for your patronage.
5. We would like to thank you for placing your trust in our company and take this opportunity to assure you that we will do everything possible to provide excellent service. We value your business and look forward to many years of serving you.
6. I have just reviewed your recent order, and I wanted to thank you for the loyalty and trust you have continued to show in our company. You are a highly valued customer, and we are all very proud to provide you with the services that you need in this space. Please let us know if you have any suggestions on how we could make you happier.
7. Thank you for signing up for our monthly newsletter about [company’s industry/focus] on our website. Every month, you will receive an email from us letting you know about interesting developments in the world of [company’s industry/focus]. We hope you will find it valuable and would love to hear from you if you have problems or need service.
8. Thank you for being one of our most valued clients. We know there are many companies that would like your business. We greatly appreciate your continued loyalty and the privilege of being allowed to serve you.
9. Thank you for making your first purchase with [company name]. We are delighted you have decided to join the [company name] family and hope that we can continue to serve your needs. We are here for you, so please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
10. It is so exciting when a new customer tries our products. Thank you for your recent purchase of [product]! We hope you are thrilled with your purchase, but if you are not, let us know how we can make you very happy. We want to hear from you and hope you will be a valued customer for many years to come.
11. Thank you for the prompt payment of your invoice. Reliable customers like you help us to be able to pay our bills on time, and we sincerely thank you. As a token of our appreciation, we want to offer you a [3]% discount on future invoices if you switch from credit card to bank draft. It is always a pleasure to serve you, and we hope to do so for many years to come.
12. I want to thank you for writing to us about the problem you are having with [describe complaint]. We are sorry to hear that you have had this experience with us. Please be assured that we will take your issue seriously and will do all that we can to resolve it. Feedback from customers is an essential component of our business and helps us improve. Please allow a short time for us to review your issue before we come back to you with some next steps.
13. Thank you for choosing [company name]. We realize that there are many alternative suppliers that you could have chosen, so please be assured of our gratitude and know that you are a highly valued customer. If you have suggestions for how we can serve you better, please let us know.
14. Your feedback has been received with thanks. Here at [company name], we strive to offer the best service and always appreciate hearing from our customers on how we can improve. Thank you for taking the time to help us serve you better.
15. [Customer name], thank you for shopping with us! We hope you are enjoying your products. Keeping you happy motivates us to keep doing what we are doing and to keep improving. Thank you for being a valued customer.
16. It means so much to me and everyone at our company that you took the time to write a positive review. Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate the feedback and you letting others know of your great experience with us.
17. Thank you for your recent order with [company name]. We appreciate your repeat patronage and would value any feedback you have about your experience with our products and how we can serve you better. Our goal is to make you a very satisfied long-term customer. Please contact us at your convenience at [(555) 555-5555] and mention the code “service” when you call. Thank you again for being a great customer.
18. Thank you for making a purchase from us. Small or large, every single order allows our business to continue to step forward into the future. We hope you never underestimate the value we place on your business. Thank you again.
19. Thanks for the recent feedback that you shared regarding your experience with our company. Client feedback is very important to our organization and helps to shape and improve all that we do. We were happy to hear of your positive experience.
20. Thank you for your recent payment for the [type of service] services we provided. We have greatly appreciated your business and would like to invite you to meet with us for a complimentary review of your account. It is a chance for us to explore how we can serve you better. Please call our office at [(555) 555-5555] at your convenience to set up a time that works for you.
21. We are aware there are many companies you could have chosen, and we truly thank you for choosing us. We recognize that you put your trust in us and will do everything we can to make you happy with your decision. We look forward to building our relationship with you and earning your trust.
22. Thank you for contacting us to alert us of the issue you raised. I wanted to assure you that we are investigating and will be seeking to resolve the issue as soon as possible. I will be in touch if there is any information that we need, but in the meantime, thank you for taking the time to raise this issue.
23. You should have received your order and we hope you are extremely happy with it. Creating your product to meet your specified needs took teamwork. Thank you for being part of our team by sharing your vision with us and allowing us to turn it into a reality. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your next experience with us even better.
24. Thank you for granting us the privilege of serving your business and allowing us to help you grow and succeed. We look forward to being part of your business continuing to thrive. Please contact us if you have a comment, question, or additional needs with which we may help you.
25. Thank you for attending our [topic or type] webinar [this past week]. [Topic or type] is a rapidly evolving area, and we hope that you felt your time was well spent. If you have any questions about what we discussed or about [topic or type] in general, please do not hesitate to call me at [(555) 555-5555]. I would be happy to speak with you and be of assistance.
26. Long-standing customers are the backbone of our business, and we are very grateful for your loyalty over the past few years. Thank you for your trust in us and your partnership with our team.
27. Thank you for taking the time to write a review about [company name] online. The detail you provided has enabled us to make improvements for the benefit of all customers. We sincerely appreciate your thoughtfulness in helping us deliver better service.
28. Your time is valuable and we appreciate the time you have taken to place an order with our business and strengthen our business relationship. We hope you found the ordering experience easy. We want to hear from you if you have any questions, comments, or ways to make your experience better. Thank you.
29. We wanted to thank you for your recent rating and review. Everyone here was delighted with your feedback and so glad to hear of your positive experience. We love making our customers happy. We hope you will allow us to do that again for you in the future.
30. We want to reach out and thank you for the generous endorsement that you provided our company on your platform. We love your work and recommendations from people as respected as you are important to our brand. It helps us get our message out. We would value the opportunity to work with you in the future and discuss how best we might make this happen. Please let me know when is convenient for you.
31. Thank you for your recent online review of [company name]. Word of mouth is crucial to growing our [family/local] business, so we appreciate each review and the support of our community. Thank you again.
32. We wanted to thank you for attending our [presentation/roadshow] the other day and listening to our [proposal/pitch]. Your feedback is valuable, and I have sent your feedback to my team and our management. If you would like to continue our conversation about any of our products, please let me know when it is convenient for you to do so.
33. Thank you for recommending our services to your family and friends. We have had a phenomenal number of referrals recently. It’s a privilege for us to offer the same high levels of service to the people that you care so much about. Thank you for the faith you continue to show in our organization.
34. As a valued customer, your continued support has allowed us to grow and develop as a business. We are eternally grateful and will continue to work on ways to serve you better. Thank you again for your business.
35. Thank you for your recent call to request more information about the products and services we offer. We are gathering the information you requested and will be back in touch as soon as we have the information. In the meantime, if you would like a quote or have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
36. Thank you for the generous time you gave me the other day. It was a privilege to pitch to your team. I hope that the information provided was useful, and please let me know if I can expand on any of the areas covered. I am here to help at any time, so do reach out if you need anything. Thank you again.
37. Please accept our gratitude for your repeat business. Choosing to build a relationship with [company name] brings us joy and makes what we do worthwhile. We hope you feel valued as our customer, and we look forward to hearing from you if there is anything we can do better.
38. The success of every business is because of its customers. You are key to our organization, and we thank you for being one of our exceptional and loyal clients.
39. Thank you for the large order you recently placed with [company name]. We recognize this is a significant expenditure from you and appreciate you choosing to put your trust in us to fulfill it for you. We are working on it, and in the meantime, I look forward to hearing from you should you have any questions.
40. We are delighted that you have chosen to make this purchase with our company. We hope that we can continue to serve you and that this is the start of a long relationship.
41. Your feedback is vital to our company’s performance, and we take all your suggestions into consideration. We thank you for sharing your thoughts on your experience with [company name].
42. Please accept our thanks for your customer loyalty. [Company name] is thrilled that you put your faith in us. Please rest assured that we will continue to strive to provide you our very best customer service.
43. We must compliment you on being such a discerning, intelligent shopper and appreciate that you have chosen [company name] when there are many alternatives available. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.
44. Thank you for taking the time to attend our recent event. It was a pleasure to talk with you. If you would like further information about what [company name] can do for you, please do not hesitate to contact us.
45. We at [company name] are honored that you have chosen to shop with us. We hope that you have enjoyed your shopping experience and always welcome any feedback from such a respected client.
46. Thank you for the feedback you recently gave about your experience shopping at [company name]. We value all feedback as an opportunity to improve the service we offer. Please be assured we will evaluate what we need to do to prevent your experience from happening again.
47. I want to thank you for meeting us the other day. I think what we discussed was exciting and should be beneficial to both of our companies. I know that I speak for everyone here when I say that we are feeling very positive about the prospect of working with you.
48. We are reaching out to thank you for choosing our services. We appreciate that clients have a wide range of choices, but we wanted to reassure you that you have made a great choice. We value your business. We will do all that we can to exceed your expectations and earn your ongoing trust.
49. It is clients like you who remind me why I do what I do. Thank you for allowing us to serve you, and thank you greatly for your continued support.
50. Thank you for being a valued customer and for referring [name of potential new customer] to us. We appreciate your business and your referral. In the event that [name of potential new customer] signs up for services, you will receive a [dollar amount] credit on your next invoice. We sincerely appreciate you being a part of the [company name] family.
51. Thank you for attending our launch on [date]. It was a pleasure to meet you and learn more about your business. We are excited about our new product and hope that you share our enthusiasm. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
52. Thank you for your recent order. A business thrives on strong relationships and we thank you for allowing us to strengthen our relationship with you. We will continue to do our best to serve you. Please contact us if there is anything we can do to improve your experience with us.
53. We are eternally grateful for your continued business. Allowing us to continue to serve your needs gives our business a reason to exist. Thank you for continuing to be a part of the [company name] family.
54. Thank you for your recent attendance at our [name of conference]. We hope you enjoyed the presentations and networking opportunities. Please let me know if you are interested in discussing any of the topics or have other topics that you would like to explore, and I will contact you to arrange the details. Thank you again for coming to our event.
55. Thank you for writing to let us know about the improvements needed on our website. We are grateful that you took time out of your schedule to help us make our website better for the benefit of all customers. We will contact you again if we have any questions about the suggested improvements. Thank you again.
56. Many thanks for the introduction to [name of lead]. I have contacted [him/her] and will keep you posted on the outcome. I appreciate you recognizing that the introduction would be helpful for both [name of lead] and I, and I am grateful that you thought of me. Thank you again.
57. I wanted to thank you because the referral you sent over has been a great success. The [name of lead] is ready to take things forward, and this would not have happened without your help. I look forward to a future time when I can also help and support your business. Please let me know when you have time to discuss this.
58. We are extremely grateful for the trust you have in our relationship. We know that trust is a building block of a strong business relationship. We will do our very best to continue to build on the trust you have given us. Thank you for your business.
59. Thank you for your recent evaluation of our [company/restaurant]. We are all very excited to learn the results of your evaluation and read your review of us. Validation by a rating body such as yours is a focused goal of our company. If there is anything we can do to assist your work or answer any questions, please do let us know. Thank you again.
60. Thank you for placing your first order with us. We value every customer and look forward to working together again.
61. Thank you for shopping with [company name] and for submitting an online review of our [services/product]. We know you have many demands on your time, and your kind words are greatly appreciated in spreading the word about our [services/products] and how hard we work to make our customers happy.
62. Thank you for attending our [type of marketing/advertising event] reception on [day of week] evening. It was wonderful to put a face with a name and get to talk in a more relaxed setting. I hope you had a pleasant evening and met some interesting industry professionals. I look forward to speaking with you soon.
63. Thank you for your recommendation of our services to [name of person]. A personal recommendation of our services means so much to us. We consider it a badge of honor to serve your needs and earn your recommendation. Thank you for sharing our business with your contacts.
64. As a respected customer, we are thankful for the opportunity you provide us to continue to improve our services. We strive to get better and provide you the service your business deserves. Please contact us if you have any questions
65. Thank you for your [order/business]. The key pillar of success as a business is our customers. Thank you for helping us strengthen that pillar with your loyal patronage.
66. Thank you for your feedback. We realize that you took your time to leave a review of our services, and in doing so you helped others and helped us. Thank you for deciding that our business was worth your time.
67. Thank you for your order and your kind feedback on our service. Your feedback helps us to shape and improve our service to meet your needs. Our goal is to provide you with the best customer experience. We look forward to continuing to serve you.
68. When you placed your order, you also placed your faith in us meeting your needs. You are the reason we exist, and we are privileged to have been able to serve you.
69. We know it is easy to underestimate how much your business means to our company. We hope that by providing you with exceptional customer service, you understand just how important you are to us. Thank you for shopping with us.
70. Thank you for your first order! We are excited that you are trying our [products/services] and hope we exceed your expectations. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments, and we look forward to meeting your needs again.
71. We wanted to thank you for the faith and support that you have shown in our company. Your continued business is highly valued, and we look forward to working with you more in the future.
72. Thank you for your recent order. I hope that your recent ordering experience with us was enjoyable. Here at [company name], we are always striving to improve on our service, so please contact us if there is anything that we can do to make your service more enjoyable.
73. I saw your order go out the other day. I wanted to thank you for your repeat business. Repeat and loyal customers are the core of our business. We are honored in the trust that you continue to show in us. Thank you.
74. Thank you for your inquiry to [company name]. We are in the process of asking one of our sales agents to call you and go over your questions. Thank you in advance for your patience and we look forward to talking with you.
75. I wanted to thank you for getting in touch with us today. Your feedback is valuable to us and I will be sure to bring it up at our next internal meeting. Customer insight and comments are important to us, and I really appreciate you taking the time to let us know your thoughts.
76. I was happy to learn of your positive experience. The comments you have submitted help us understand what we are doing well, and how we need to improve. Thank you for taking the time to complete the feedback questionnaire.
77. Thank you for making the payment on your account. I just wanted to let you know that everything has now gone through and your account is up to date. We really appreciate your business and look forward to the privilege of your business again in the future.
78. It was great to see you the other day. Thanks for coming into the [shop/office] to discuss your needs. I now have everything I need to move forward with your order and we will be in touch shortly. Thank you again.
79. It was great to get your information put into the customer service questionnaire. Thank you for taking the time to give us this information. It will help us to tailor products to your needs. If there is anything that you need in the meantime, please reach out and I will be happy to help.
80. Thank you for the faith you have shown in our company by putting in such a big order. Your order is important to us and I will personally monitor it until you receive it. I will be back in touch with you shortly when the order is ready for delivery.
81. We could not do what we do without the support of loyal partners like you. Thank you for supporting our business and allowing us to continue to serve this wonderful community.
82. Thank you for your patronage over this last year. You are a valued client, and your loyalty to [company name] is greatly appreciated. We look forward to the privilege of serving you for many years to come.
83. We sincerely appreciate the time you have given to our team as we seek the best ways to serve you. We recognize and appreciate the importance of delivering on our promise of excellence and quality and look forward to working with you.
84. Thank you for continuing to support our business. You bring a smile to our faces whenever you walk in the front door. We are grateful for your patronage.
85. We are so grateful to have loyal customers like you as part of our family. You help to keep us focused on providing excellent customer service, and we appreciate your continued business.
86. Thank you for your payment. We are happy to have served you and hope that you are fully satisfied with our [products/services]. Please contact us if there is anything we can do to make you happier.
87. We loved seeing you the other day and hope you will come again soon! We love seeing new faces each and every day, and we appreciate your business. Thank you for being a valued part of the [company name] family.
88. We wanted to thank you for your latest purchase. We appreciate your business, but more importantly, we are grateful for your trust in our products and in our brand.
89. I wanted to personally thank you for your continued business. We are so grateful for loyal customers like you and look forward to continuing to serve you in new and better ways in the future.
90. We appreciate your attentive and timely payment on your recent invoices. This helps us be better equipped to provide excellent service and continue to offer the quality you have come to expect from us.
91. Thank you for inquiring about the products and services we offer. We look forward to connecting with you again soon and hope to become your trusted community partner.
92. Thank you for joining us for our grand opening sale! We are excited to serve this community and look forward to seeing more of you in the days and months ahead.
93. Thank you for your recent purchase. We put all of our heart and energy into our work and hope that you are completely satisfied with your selection.
94. We just wanted to express our gratitude for your loyalty. You have been a devoted patron for a long time, and it is truly a privilege to serve you. Please let us know if there is ever anything we can do to make your experience better.
95. We would like to thank you for your trust in our team to serve you with your recent [job/project]. We strive to honor the trust you have placed in us and will deliver on our promise of quality and value.
96. Thank you for being among the first to try our new services. We value your trust in us and are grateful for the experience we have gained in continuing to provide high value to our customers.
97. Thank you for partnering with us as we grow our business. We hope you were fully satisfied with our work and would love to gain additional feedback from you in the future.
98. Thank you for your business. We are very happy to have partnered with you in helping you achieve your goals. Seeing you succeed really makes our day. Please contact us if you have any comments or questions.
99. We appreciate the questions you posed to our staff in seeking out our services. They really helped us understand your needs, and we hope that you were fully satisfied with our work and our team.
100. Thank you for continuing to utilize our services. We are grateful for the opportunity to act as a valued partner and look forward to deepening our relationship moving forward.
101. Thank you for your recent payment on the invoice we sent. We are excited to move forward in delivering our products and services to you. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you again soon!
Best Quotes for Business “Thank You” Card Messages
“Even the Lone Ranger didn’t do it alone.”
Harvey MacKay
“A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship.”
John D. Rockefeller
“Our rewards in life will always be in exact proportion to the amount of consideration we show toward others.”
Earl Nightingale
“Networking is rubbish; have friends instead.”
Steve Winwood
“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”
John Andres Holmes
“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”
Winston Churchill
“I believe that you can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”
Zig Ziglar
“We rise by lifting others.”
Robert Ingersoll
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit.”
“Nice guys may appear to finish last, but usually they are running in a different race.”
Ken Blanchard
“Demand excellence.”
Emmitt Smith
“Good service is good business.”
Siebel Ad
“Make a customer, not a sale.”
Katherine Barchetti
“Excellence is not an exception; it is a prevailing attitude.”
Colin Powell
“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”
Bill Gates
“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”
Abraham Lincoln
“We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.”
Jeff Bezos
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.”
Henry David Thoreau
“Make each day your masterpiece.”
John Wooden
“Always deliver more than expected.”
Larry Page
“Only by attracting the best people will you accomplish great deeds.”
Colin Powell
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
Nelson Mandela
“Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.”
Charles Swindoll
“If you say you can or you can’t you are right either way.”
Henry Ford
“The value of an idea lies in the using of it.”
Thomas Edison
Almost half of employers believe that sending a thank you note following an interview from a candidate is considered to be somewhere important. Additional interesting facts about business thank you card etiquette are outlined in the below infographic.
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here. Brandon is currently the CEO of Aided.