US Outsourcing Statistics
In the last decade, corporations from the United States have outsourced more than 2.4 million jobs. Since the Great Recession corporations have been looking for more ways to outsource with only a small 9% terminating outsourcing agreements to bring jobs back to the United States. This is represented by the following figures.
– 57% of companies increased the use of outsourcing.
– 34% significantly restructured one or more outsourcing agreements.
– 9% terminated one or more outsourcing agreements.
46% of companies have cited their top reason for outsourcing was to reduce operating costs with 12% desiring to access world class capabilities. It’s estimated that 300,000 positions are outsourced annually.
Outsourced Sectors
The below percentages resemble the sectors most commonly outsourced from the United States.
1. Manufacturing – 53%
2. IT Services – 43%
3. Research & Development – 38%
4. Distribution – 26%
5. Call or Help Centers – 12%
Effects of Outsourcing
The following video discusses the effects of outsourcing from creating more jobs overseas to lowering costs to consumers.
Top Reasons Why Companies Outsource
1. Reducee or control costs – 44%
2. Gain access to IT resources unavailable internally – 34%
3. Free up internal resources – 31%
4. Improve business or customer focus – 28%
5. Accelerate company reorganization/transformation – 22%
6. Accelerate project – 15%
7. Gain access to management expertise unavailable internally – 15%
8. Reduce time to market – 9%
10 Top Outsourced Countries
A listing of the top 10 outsourced countries and their overall rating and workforce is located below.
1. India (7.1) – 1.43 billion
2. Indonesia (6.9) – 1.03 billion
3. China – (6.4) – 780 million
4. Bulgaria (6.4) – 3 million
5. Phillipines (6.3) – 39 million
6. Jordan (6.2) – 2 million
7. Singapore (6.5) – 3 million
8. Thailand (6.0) – 39 million
9. Lithuania (5.9) – 2 million
10. Egypt (5.8) – 26 million
Software Outsourcing
The following infographic takes a look at outsourcing in the software industry and the most commonly used suppliers. An average 2 out of every 5 CIO’s plan to outsource some sort of web and software development in the upcoming year.
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