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17 Landing Page Optimization Best Practices


Your landing page is what online viewers see first. This means that the only way to achieve online success is to optimize your landing page. Optimization involves obtaining the highest conversion rates at the lowest cost possible. This is not always easy to do, but there are some tips you can implement to increase optimization success.

What Are Conversion Rates?

In order to understand how to achieve optimization, you must better understand basic terminology. For example, conversion involves getting an online user to complete a desired action. The action that you are looking for can range. The most likely desired actions include clicking a page, buying a product, subscribing, forwarding to a friend or simply getting the information that is needed. No matter what type of action you are looking to provoke, it is possible to increase the likelihood of conversion by simply optimizing your landing page.

Total Redesign

In order to optimize your landing page for increased conversion success, you must redesign your page entirely. This can be done in many different ways, but there are a few factors that offer the most transformation. It is essential that the headline is short and clear. Make sure that all vital details associated with your product are easy to understand and positioned near the headline.

It is vital that the call to action makes an impression and is easy to spot. One of the most effective way to increase conversion rates is to show online users the positive opinions of others. This can be achieved by having testimonials of reviews on the bottom of your landing page for easy access. These are small changes to the overall design of your landing page that can have an immense impact.

Not All SEO Driven

SEO techniques are important to gain your site online recognition with search engines, but you still need a site that ultimately appeals to humans. This means that keyword optimization matters, but you should be looking to design your site in a way that captures the interest of both search engines and humans. Failure to focus on the human aspect of design will leave you with low conversion rates.

You have the ability to analyze data associated with conversion rates and make necessary changes when needed. It is important to be open to design change and learn how to alter your landing page in order to improve conversion rates.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.