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16 Morning Routines of Billionaires


While there are many roads to success, some of the most successful minds in the world today seem to have some key habits in common. While each have their own unique methods that prove most productive for them, bountiful sleep, regular exercise, and establishing a productive routine are a few of the things that set these cases apart.

1) Get Enough Rest.
One of the biggest common practices amongst successful people is getting enough sleep and having time to themselves in the morning. Arianna Huffington starts her day with half an hour of meditation. Indra Nooyi rises from bed as early as 4 am, making it to the office to start her workday by 7 am. Except for the occasional all-nighter, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg gets up daily at 8 am. By having a morning routine that gives you time to get in touch with yourself, you can stimulate your productivity for the rest of the day.

Fashion designer Tory Burch is also an early riser, scheduling for 45 minutes of exercise in the morning. Jack Dorsey gets out of bed to meditate at 5:30, afterwards running several miles. Taking it to an extreme, Jeff Bezos has fine-tuned his schedule to exclude early meetings and keeps a sleeping bag in his office to make sure he gets 8 hours of sleep. He also has installed “protective days” into his week, on which he doesn’t schedule meetings.

2) Exercise Regularly.
Exercising both the brain and body also seems to be an important factor in mega-success. Bill Gates starts his day with an hour-long treadmill workout while he views courses from Teaching Company. Billionaire Warren Buffet is an advocate of strengthening your mind through reading, he himself reads at least 500 pages a day in his minimal home of 40 years.Oprah Winfrey, also starts her day with time to meditate, then washes down a good workout with a healthy meal before work.

Lord Sugar likes to get his blood pumping and blow off steam by taking off on a 50-mile bike ride through the Essex countryside. Elon Musk often skips breakfast and takes a quick 5-minute lunch, but still strategically fits time into his day to exercise. Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google, exercises intensely, like many of his counterparts, working mindfully to prevent future disease.

3) Live Minimally.
Minimalizing your life can help you to have a clearer mind and keep you focused on the task at hand, adopting a “less is more” mindset is a familiar approach for some of the highly successful. Steve Jobs, the late Apple co-founder, is known for adopting minimalism into his company, wardrobe and home décor. He finds a kindred spirit in Zuckerberg, who wears the same t-shirt daily. This trend is more extreme in those like Jobs, with a smaller manifestation for people like Buffet.

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Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.