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15 Ways to Make Your Facebook Updates Shine


Staying relevant on social media is important for all businesses. However, finding great content to post isn’t always easy. If you are wondering how to find consistently good content to post to your social media platforms, check out these social media hacks for posting quality content.

1) Browse Popular Facebook Pages.
By browsing popular Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages, you can find some of the best content on the web. There’s a reason why these accounts make it to the popular page and the sooner your understand their social media strategies, the sooner you can create content that will boost you to the popular page as well.

2) Brainstorm with Popular Keywords.
Search the internet for some of the world’s most popular keywords. Check out Rankbrain.me for some insight as to what keywords people are using to search the web. Pick out a few of the most relevant keywords to your business and brainstorm ideas for some new content using these keywords.

3) Read Industry Specific Blogs.
Make a habit of subscribing to blogs that are related to your industry. Whenever these blogs share a great post, you will see it pop upon your feed and be inspired to either share their content or come up with something similar. Keeping up with what other businesses are sharing on social media helps you stay up to date with what is happening in your industry today.

4) Build Relationships with Influencers.
As you continue to follow and search for inspiring industry leaders on various social media platforms, be sure to actually interact with them. Building a relationship with these influencers and leaders will help solidify your presence in the world of social media. You can build relationships by sharing their content, commenting on their posts, as well as linking others back to content on their page.

Good relationships in the business world will always come in handy– especially on the Internet. Most consumers get all of their information based on what they see on the web. Maximizing your virtual presence is key to sharing great content.

5) Track Popular Hashtags.
Another way to find more quality content is by tracking trending hashtags. Across the social media platform spectrum, you will see users hashtag-ing just about everything. Find out what the trending hashtags are that relate to your business, then share and develop content centering around these trending tags.

Social media is all about sharing and responding to content. As you continue to search for more great content to share on social media, always choose quality over quantity. The content that your business shares will speak volumes about you and your company.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here. Brandon is currently the CEO of Aided.