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10 Ways to Make Waiting in Line Awesome


The Essentials of an Entertaining Waiting Line

Whether it’s at the bank, supermarket or department store, many businesses require customers to wait in line. This may seem like nothing more than an inconvenient necessity, but in truth it can be an opportunity to enhance your customers’ experience and even offer additional retail opportunities for last minute purchases. This article will explain the 10 essential elements of good waiting line layouts.

1. It needs to be single file. The single file line has been shown to move faster than any other type, so it will keep customer satisfaction levels higher if you ask customers to form a single file line.

2. A sign helps. Having a sign that reads “Line Forms Here” adds an easy to follow directive that prevent any customer confusion.

3. A path that is well-built. Be sure that the path you build with stanchions is wide enough for easy turning and comfort while standing in line. Switching the line back and forth will make the most of your floor space.

4. Impulse buying opportunities exist in the line. Not only does offering merchandise to those standing in line increase profitability, it does so by utilizing space that was previously not being put to use. This is a win-win situation for retailers. Also, the opportunities to pick up last minute items while waiting in line lessens the customers perception that they are wasting time because it can keep the entertained and buys.

5. Marketing opportunities exist in the line. A further way to utilize line space and the customer’s time spent in the line is to add a marketing media, such as a digital sign. This will entertain the customers while they wait and make them less prone to be upset at long lines. It will also offer opportunities for you to communicate with your customers on a platform that you can control.

6. In addition to digital signage, you can also border the entire line with traditional signs and information sheets. Not only does this serve as another form of entertainment to keep customers happier while waiting in line, it also serves as yet another way for you to communicate with them and offer additional marketing.

7. Stanchion pass-through systems are important. When the line is empty, it can annoy customers who have to go through endless switch-back patterns needlessly. Having a retractable stanchion system you can roll back during slow times helps to make life easier for the customers that come when there isn’t a long line.

8. Electronic number calling is nice. Systems that electronically call people up allows customers to sit and relax and possibly get other tasks done while they wait.

9. A sign that says “Wait Here” helps at the front of the line so people know where to stand while they wait to be called.

10. Flashing station lights are nice because they can effectively let customers know which station is open for checkout.

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Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.