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10 Interesting Facts About iPhones


One of the most recognizable, as well as most commonly used phones in the world is the Iphone, as Apple has released a phone that many have found to be satisfactory for their communication needs. While not certainly everyone has one, and some even dislike the phone, the Iphone continues to bring in new customers with each newly added generation.

While the Iphone has many cool features and descriptions that make it stand out above other phones, their are many facts that many people don’t know about. Here are just four of the several facts that makes Iphones really unique in the cell phone world. Here are some interesting facts to remember about Iphones as mentioned in this infographic.

1) In 2013, Iphones Are Faster Than 2003 Computers.
It would never seem likely in 2003 that someday phones would be quicker than computers, but this no longer rings true as the Iphone 5 is faster than the 2003 IMac G4. Through several tests and trials, users have found that the processing speed, memory size, and even the storage space are larger for the Iphone 5, when compared to the 2003 IMac G4. This is insane for the fact that the Iphone 5 only weighs 112 g, whereas the IMac weighs 10,400g.

2) The App Store Has Sold 50 Billion Apps.
The App store on the Iphone is known for its vast amount of applications and games, but few know that the App store has sold 50 billion apps. This means their has been 50 billion downloads of apps from numerous sources, both free and premium games. This numerous is accurate as of 2012, so with the year being 2015, the store has probably sold even more apps, even billions more.

3) Iphone Is Available Globally.
While the Iphone certainly started out selling to only US and select country markets, the phone has made sales globally, with the phone being available in over 100 countries around the world. This was achieved in as little as 5 years, where the massive franchise of McDonald’s took over 50 years to reach its 100th country milestone.

4) As Of 2012, Apple Has Sold 125,000,000.
Apple has sold millions of phones, with the company releasing about 125,000,000 units of Iphones. This is accurate as of 2012, so with the releases of the Iphone 6 and the impending Iphone 7, this list could double or even triple within the next few years. With more kids being born, more customers are walking in through Apple stores to buy the hottest Iphone.

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Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here. Brandon is currently the CEO of Aided.