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How to Choose the Right Color for a Website


There are quite a lot of decisions that you have to make when you are designing a site. From the text that you will use to the number of pages, there are many options to choose from. Color is also something that you need to give a lot of consideration when you are looking to design your site. The color scheme that you choose for your site will represent your business in a big way and be tied in with your business logo. This means that you need to carefully choose the color that you choose and also be aware of the message that you are conveying with each color that you choose. Here are some of the key takeaways from this infographic.

1) Green
This is a color that is tied in with nature. The words that most often come to mind when you see this color are wealth, nature and health. It is also a color that is known for eliciting feelings of tranquility. This means that it is a calm color. This is a color that is really easy for the eye to process, so this is something that you need to keep in mind when you are designing your website. If you are looking for a color that both men and women like, this is a color that you should go with because it ranks high with both sexes.

2) Yellow
Yellow is a color that is cheery and also a color that will get attention. This means that if you want your site to really stand out, it will be a good idea to think about using the color yellow. It is a bright color that is not always easy for the eye to process, It is a color that does tend to strain the eyes, this means that if you want yellow to have the most appealing effect on your site you should only use it sparingly. It can be a good color to use, but do not splash it all over your site.

3) Orange
If you are looking fir a color that is known for getting people to take action, it might be a good idea for you to think about using the color orange. This is a color that is friendly and inviting, it is also a color that you can use if you want someone to buy or subscribe. This means that the color around your call to action should be orange.

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Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.