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Geographic and Demographic Profile of Pinterest Influencers


Anatomy of Pinterest Influencer

In a recent survey conducted by HelloSociety, 100 of its most followed tastemakers on Pinterest were sampled. The interest of an audience, approximately 1.8 million in number was secured by these followers, here are the findings:

The Background

There were more females than males. Females formed 79% while males formed 21%. They were drawn from different works of life. Among them were designers, students, moms, teachers and bloggers. Participants were from different age brackets with ages 24-34 being the largest group, 35-44 and 18-24 were next while age group 45-54 formed the next largest groups. Those who were younger than 18 years were the least in number.

Educational Qualification

14% of the sampled population had High School education or GED, 12% had a two year college degree, 57% had a four year college degree while 15% had master’s degree. 2% of the sampled population had a doctoral degree.

Pins by Device

58% of the sampled population made pins by tablets, 30% made use of mobile devices while 12% used laptops. 88% of the sampled population purchased the products which they pinned while 49% purchased at least five products which they
pinned and repined.


Participants were from bi-Coastal cities. The top five cities that were represented were New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Seattle and San Francisco.

In one month, over 200,000 pins were generated from 23,000 websites with 17 million repins. 7 million likes were generated by the network of pinners. This resulted from 4.2 average repins per pin, 1.1 average likes per pin and 229 followers on the average.

The HelloSociety network has an average repins of 107.4 per pin, 46.2 likes per pin and 1.8 million followers on the average.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.