Average Attention Span Stats
When considering the average attention span of individuals, age is a determining factor of this. From babies to children to adults, the attention span of a child will get longer with age. The following statistics regarding average attention spans are outlined below.
Attention Span Statistics
According to The Associated Press the following interesting statistics regarding attention spans exist.
Attention Span Statistics
1. Attention spans have shrunk by 50% over the past decade.
2. Attention spans in 1998: 12 minutes.
3. Attention spans in 2008: 5 minutes.
4. Children diagnosed with ADHD: 9.5%
Causes of lost attention span
5. Stress: 18%
6. Decision Overload: 17%
Impact of lost attention span
7. Percentage of teens who forget major details: 25%
8. Percentage of people who forget their own birthday: 7%
9. Average number of times per hour an office worker checks their email: 30
10. Average length watched for a single internet video: 2.7 minutes
11. Average Attention of a Product Video
Commercial length time has been reduced from 15 seconds to a maximum of 30 seconds in recent times. Here is a listing of the average time and percentage the audience will watch a video for as according to Treepodia.com.
10 seconds or less: 89.61%
20 seconds or less: 80.41%
30 seconds or less: 66.16%
60 seconds or less: 46.44%
2 minutes or less: 23.71%
3 minutes or less: 16.62%
5 minutes or less: 9.42%
Based on the following averages, a third of the audience is lost by the 30 second mark. By a single minute into the video, more than half of the audience disappears. Finding ways to become more effective on time will help you maximize results.
Internet Browsing Statistics
12. Percent of page views that last less than 4 seconds: 17 %
13. Percent of page views that lasted more than 10 minutes: 4 %
14. Percent of words read on web pages with 111 words or less: 49 %
15. Percent of words read on an average (593 words) web page: 28 %
16. Users spend only 4.4 seconds more for each additional 100 words.
How to Kill Procrastination
A slideshow of over 60 tips to follow in order to deplete procrastination from your life and become more productive.
Social Media’s Impact on Our Attention
With all the technology surrounding us, the following infographic outlines the ways to which social media has started to run our lives. From addiction to speeding past everything we do, the impact on our mind is exponential.
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