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8 Social Media Sites Real Estate Agents Use to Network

8 Social Media Sites Real Estate Agents Use to Network

How Social Media is Used by the Real Estate Sector

The social media is being used more and more by people wishing to advertise their products and services online. It is a great place to interact with several people and the players in the real estate industry are definitely cashing in on it. 55% of the players in the industry report being comfortable using this strategy, 26% are fairly comfortable, 10% feel uncomfortable while 9% do not use it at all.

Of the social networking sites available for use, Facebook and Twitter are the most popular. 79% and 48% of the industry’s players use Facebook and Twitter respectively. LinkedIn and WordPress are also some of the platforms exploited by 29% and 15% of respondents respectively. YouTube has a 12% following by real estate players while Blogger and Flickr have a 5% and 4% use by the industry’s players respectively.

Video is cited as a marketing means that more homeowners are looking for in the agent they choose to engage. 73% of those homeowners wishing to sell at one point or the other say they would prefer a realtor who would use video as a marketing strategy. Consequently, only 12% of the industry’s players use YouTube as a social media platform for their campaigns. This clearly shows the existent opportunity that realtors are not making use of to exploit their abilities fully.

The Realtor.com app concept is one that will truly revolutionize the real estate sector. Already the time used on this app on average is 16 minutes, which is more than the general average of 5 minutes for apps. The number of homes that users look for each hour with the app is also remarkable. 20,000 homes for each hour courtesy of the app indeed show the amount of confidence they have in it. It is also worthy to note that 20% of the traffic that goes to the use of the app comes from mobile gadgets on Saturday and Sunday.
The internet is a good place to find some of the homes you just may buy. 45% of purchasers actually went on to walk through a home they had identified online whereas 29% were able to find a realtor thanks to the internet. 21% of those who were able to spot a home online actually went forth and viewed if not just driving past.

The real estate industry, like small businesses have identified the social media as a proper marketing platform. On Facebook, YouTube and email alert services for wall posts, the real industry sector leads the small businesses. The sector however lags behind when compared to these small businesses in Twitter, WordPress and Flickr. Estate agents can make use of online means of endearing themselves to the market and definitely the social media is a great place to meet new prospective clients.

Those who are seriously yearning for success in this field would need to see how to use the social media platforms that are available to remain competitive.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.