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6 Great Text Message Marketing Tips


The original infographic is located over here.

Keep these important points in mind from the above infographic…

1) Why SMS marketing works.
SMS marketing works because it is short, sweet, and to the point. By reaching out to customers via their phones, you can get in touch with them no matter where they might be. Anyone with a cell phone can receive a text message. In a world where the number of cell phones far outnumbers the number of tablets or computers, including SMS marketing into your overall strategy can reach more people than other sorts of marketing campaigns. Running a SMS campaign takes relatively little time and effort if you know the secrets to making an enticing offer.

2) Crafting the perfect SMS offer.
Give your customers your offer, first, in your SMS message. Make it something valuable that they can actually use. Be sure to put a time limit on the offer within the message. Also, tell your customers just what they must do to receive the exclusive deal. And you want to make the offer exclusive to subscribers only. Doing so will make them feel special. Don’t forget to mention your brand name or place of business in the message. A great example is, “Free 10’’ pizza with the purchase of a large pizza tonight, ONLY, at Pals’ Pies when you flash this Pal Club member text. Come join us for a great time!”

3) Honing in on your customers with SMS.
Each time you send out a text message, be sure to include the elements mentioned above. Doing so will allow you to hone in on your customers. Over time, you will build customer loyalty and grow the number of subscribers to your SMS service. Having a thriving SMS service is an important part of your overall marketing and brand establishment. If you are unsure how to start and implement this sort of marketing in your business, feel free to contact a professional.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here. Brandon is currently the CEO of Aided.