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47 Famous People with INTP Personality Traits

Individuals with INTP personality types are one of the most introverted types most likely to be married. Even if this is more than once. Other interesting facts about INTP’s is how they are the most likely to smoke and predicted to have the best I.Q. tests. Although, this type is one that perceives school to be a high stress environment, they still excel in their grades. A listing of famous people with INTP personalities is cataloged below to see similar individuals that fit within the above traits.

Abraham Lincoln
Adam Smith
Alan Greenspan
Albert Einstein
Albert Speer
Andreas Scholl
Ashley Olsen
Asia Carrera
Ben Stein
Blaise Pascal
Bob Newhart
Brent Spiner
Carl Jung
Charles Darwin
Charlotte Gainsbourg
David Cronenberg
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Franz Kafka
Friedrich A. Hayek
Gerald Ford
Hannah Arendt
Immanuel Kant
J.K. Rowling
James Madison
Jeff Bingaman
Jesse Eisenberg
Jimmy Wales
John Locke
John Quincy Adams
John Tyler
Larry Page
Marie Curie
Mary-Kate Olsen
Meryl Streep
Milton Friedman
Paul Allen
Randall Munroe
Rene Descartes
Richard Dawkins
Rick Moranis
Sergey Brin
Sigourney Weaver
Sir Isaac Newton
Thomas Aquinas
Tina Fey
William Harvey
William James

A special thanks to CelebrityTypes.com for listing out some great famous INTPs.

Infographic on 4 Different Type of Learners

The following infographic provides a guide and explanation to the different types of learners and their characteristics. There are four primary types of learners from visual, to reading, auditory, and kinesthetic.

Different Types of Learners

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Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.