Golf is most notably known for the funny outfits worn by players. However, this sport is a very concentrated and focused sport having seen a steady decline in recent years. This is suspected to be due to weather related conditions, slowing play along with overall economic shrinkage in recent years. For those that share the love of the game, here is a list of golf slogans shared by others to help inspire your own creativity.
A bad attitude is worse than a bad swing.
A golfers diet consists of lots of greens.
A minor adjustment can produce outstanding results.
An endless series of tragedies obscured by the occasional miracle.
Don’t fear the bogey man. Go birdie watching.
Fore Father.
Golf is our favorite course
Golf is the sport where your most feared opponent, is yourself!
Golf. The art of playing fetch with yourself.
Golfers do it on the green
Have more than you show, and speak less than you know.
Hit it longer.
I didn’t lose my marbles…I traded them for golf balls.
If you watch a game, it’s fun…If you play it, it’s recreation…if you work at it, it’s golf.
It takes a lot of balls to golf the way I do.
It’s about the business write-off.
Mistakes are proof that you are trying.
My golf game is improving… I miss the hole nearer now.
Outdrive your competition.
Smart. Beautiful. Golf
Swing into action.
Tee it high. Let it fly.
The most I practice, the luckier I get.
The most important shot in golf is the next one.
There is only one game.
Think Golf
To win a golf match, play the course not your opponent.
Train insane or remain the same.
What happens on the golf course, stays in the golf course.
What’s an off season.
Winning takes care of everything.
Work. Play. Win. Repeat.
Your target, easy to reach.
The below infographic outlines interesting statistics regarding the United States Opening Golf Tournament. What started in 1895 with a $335 victory, now provides a $7.5 million dollar prize to the winner. Tiger woods is considered the most successful present day player, having won the US Open 3 times to date.
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