Celebrating the expectant arrival of a baby boy can be an exciting event. A baby shower helps the soon to be parents with gathering together basic baby necessities and supplies. Many baby showers traditionally involve only females, however in present time more baby showers are focused on the couple as a whole celebrating this special event. The following baby shower messages for a boy are perfect for helping you get inspired to share your own unique congratulations.
A baby boy fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.
A very cutie pie welcome to the little angel. Congratulations for your birth in the most amazing family to the most wonderful parents. Stay loved always.
A very heart welcome to the unborn baby boy and wishing you the fulfillment of all your dreams as parents on this baby shower occasion.
Babies are always welcomed with lot of pomp and fun and with the arrival of a baby boy your life has changed forever. Congratulations and all the best. Get ready to run after your tiny tot.
Babies are special, babies are fun, congratulations on your new little one.
Baby shower is one of the most awaited occasions in the life of both the parents and knowing about the arrival of a baby boy makes it even more exciting. Congratulations and all the very best.
Congratulations for a beautiful baby shower day. As you take the first step of welcoming the new bundle of joy into your lives, may your life be filled with cherishing moments of joy and happiness forever.
Congratulations for the news of the arrival of a baby boy shortly and we pray to Almighty to bless both the mother and the child a safe and healthy life.
Congratulations! For the expected arrival of your bundle of happiness wish you both all the best and hope the new addition in both of your life will bring you many reasons to be happy, proud and grateful.
For someone who has managed to be the best sister it won’t be a tough task to be the best mother. Best of luck for your safe delivery. Wish you all the love and luck to my soon to be mommy sister.
I heard you wanted a baby with all of your heart, so here’s to you and your baby, and a great new start.
Let the bundle of joy in the form of a baby boy touch your life soon. Congratulations on your baby shower.
Many congratulations to you and your family hope you are ready for the innumerable miracles the baby will bring as a child is rightly perceived to be god’s gift may this angel on its way fill your life with moments of joy. Wish you luck for your pregnancy.
On your baby shower day, may the day be as sweet and beautiful as this lovely cake and may the sweet flavor of the cake fill your life with much love and happiness. Have a happy baby shower day.
Our best wishes for the baby shower and were more than delighted to hear that it will be a baby boy soon. Wish you all the very best and good luck on the arrival of the little boy soon.
Precious little child, snuggled warm and tightly we can’t wait until you’re here to kiss and cuddle nightly.
Some things that start out small can become huge and overwhelming. Good luck to you and your new growing baby.
Thank you for letting me be a part of you and your baby’s life.
To be a child is to know the gift of living. To have a child is to know the gift of life.
We are rejoiced to hear the announcement of a new baby boy coming to your life. Let us celebrate the joyous occasion of you baby shower. May God bless you and your unborn boy.
Whether your baby arrives early, or whether it comes late. I want you to know I’m excited, and I just can’t wait.
The below infographic provides a comparison between the health benefits of breastfeed or bottle feeding your newborn. Breast milk is known to protect the baby against illnesses and decrease their risk of food sensitivities and ear infections. Bottle feeding can be convenient and work for those that are unable to nurse.
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